HDS-4 Introduction To Highway Hydraulics

Author(s): James D. Schall, Everett V. Richardson, and Johnny L. Morris Publisher: FHWA Year: 2008 Links: PDF Subjects: Hydrology, hydraulics, highway drainage, open channels, roadside ditches, pavement drainage, inlets, conduits, culverts, storm drains, energy dissipators Hydraulic Design Series No. 4 provides an introduction to highway hydraulics. Hydrologic techniques presented concentrate on methods suitable to small […]

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HEC-22 Urban Drainage Design Manual, 3rd Ed

Author(s): S.A. Brown, J.D. Schall, J.L. Morris, C.L. Doherty, S.M. Stein, J.C. Warner  Publisher: FHWA  Year: 2009  Links: PDF  Subjects: Storm Drains, Inlets, Storm Water Management, Water Quality, Best Management Practices, Pumps, Drainage Design This circular provides a comprehensive and practical guide for the design of storm drainage systems associated with transportation facilities. Design guidance […]

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