HEC-15: Vegetative Lining Design


Grass-lined channels have been widely used in roadway drainage systems for many years. They are easily constructed and maintained and work well in a variety of climates and soil conditions. Grass linings provide good erosion protection and can trap sediment and related contaminants in the channel section. Routine maintenance of grass-lined channels consists of mowing, control of weedy plants and woody vegetation, repair of damaged areas and removal of sediment deposits.

The behavior of grass in an open channel lining is complicated by the fact that grass stems bend as flow depth and shear stress increase. This reduces the roughness height and increases velocity and flow rate. For some lining materials (bare earth and rigid linings), the roughness height remains constant regardless of the velocity or depth of flow in the channel. As a result, a grass-lined channel cannot be described by a single roughness coefficient.

The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) (1954) developed a widely used classification of grass channel lining that depends on the degree of retardance. In this classification, retardance is a function of the height and density of the grass cover (USDA, 1987). Grasses are classified into five broad categories, as shown in Table 4.1. Retardance Class A presents the highest resistance to flow and Class E presents the lowest resistance to flow. In general, taller and denser grass species have a higher resistance to flow, while short flexible grasses have a low flow resistance.

Kouwen and Unny (1969) and Kouwen and Li (1981) developed a useful model of the biomechanics of vegetation in open-channel flow. This model provides a general approach for determining the roughness of vegetated channels compared to the retardance classification. The resulting resistance equation (see HEC-15 Appendix C.2) uses the same vegetation properties as the SCS retardance approach, but is more adaptable to the requirements of highway drainage channels. The design approach for grass-lined channels was developed from the Kouwen resistance equation.

Grass linings provide erosion control in two ways. First, the grass stems dissipate shear force within the canopy before it reaches the soil surface. Second, the grass plant (both the root and stem) stabilizes the soil surface against turbulent fluctuations. Temple (SCS, 1954) developed a relationship between the total shear on the lining and the shear at the soil surface based on both processes.

A simple field method is provided to directly measure the density-stiffness parameter of a grass cover. Grass linings for roadside ditches use a wide variety of seed mixes that meet the regional requirements of soil and climate. These seed mix designs are constantly being adapted to improve grass-lined channel performance. Maintenance practices can significantly influence density and uniformity of the grass cover. The sampling of established grasses in roadside ditch application can eliminate much of the uncertainty in lining performance and maintenance practices.

Expertise in vegetation ecology, soil classification, hydrology, and roadway maintenance is required in the design of grass-lined channels. Engineering judgment is essential in determining design parameters based on this expert input. This includes factoring in variations that are unique to a particular roadway design and its operation.

Table 4.1. Retardance Classification of Vegetal Covers
Retardance Class Cover1 Condition
A Weeping Love Grass Excellent stand, tall, average 760 mm (30 in)
Yellow Bluestem Ischaemum Excellent stand, tall, average 910 mm (36 in)
B Kudzu Very dense growth, uncut
Bermuda Grass Good stand, tall, average 300 mm (12 in)
Native Grass Mixture (little bluestem, bluestem, blue gamma, and other long and short midwest grasses) Good stand, unmowed
Weeping lovegrass Good stand, tall, average 610 mm (24 in)
Lespedeza sericea Good stand, not woody, tall, average 480 mm (19 in)
Alfalfa Good stand, uncut, average 280 mm (11 in)
Weeping lovegrass Good stand, unmowed, average 330 mm (13 in)
Kudzu Dense growth, uncut
Blue Gamma Good stand, uncut, average 280 mm (11 in)
C Crabgrass Fair stand, uncut 250 to 1200 mm (10 to 48 in)
Bermuda grass Good stand, mowed, average 150 mm (6 in)
Common Lespedeza Good stand, uncut, average 280 mm (11 in)
Grass-Legume mixture–summer (orchard grass, redtop, Italian ryegrass, and common lespedeza) Good stand, uncut, 150 to 200 mm (6 to 8 in)
Centipede grass Very dense cover, average 150 mm (6 in)
Kentucky Bluegrass Good stand, headed, 150 to 300 mm (6 to 12 in)
D Bermuda Grass Good stand, cut to 60 mm (2.5 in) height
Common Lespedeza Excellent stand, uncut, average 110 mm (4.5 in)
Buffalo Grass Good stand, uncut, 80 to 150 mm (3 to 6 in)
Grass-Legume mixture—fall, spring (orchard grass, redtop, Italian ryegrass, and common lespedeza) Good stand, uncut, 100 to 130 mm (4 to 5 in)
Lespedeza sericea After cutting to 50 mm (2 in) height. Very good stand before cutting.
E Bermuda Grass Good stand, cut to height, 40 mm (1.5 in)
Bermuda Grass Burned stubble
1Covers classified have been tested in experimental channels. Covers were green and generally uniform.


The density, stiffness, and height of grass stems are the main biomechanical properties of grass that relate to flow resistance and erosion control. The stiffness property (product of elasticity and moment of inertia) of grass is similar for a wide range of species (Kouwen, 1988) and is a basic property of grass linings.

Density is the number of grass stems in a given area, i.e., stems per m2 (ft2). A good grass lining will have about 2,000 to 4,000 stems/m2 (200 to 400 stems/ft2). A poor cover will have about one-third of that density and an excellent cover about five-thirds (USDA, 1987, Table 3.1). While grass density can be determined by physically counting stems, an easier direct method of estimating the density-stiffness property is provided in Appendix E of HEC-15.

For agricultural ditches, grass heights can reach 0.3 m (1.0 ft) to over 1.0 m (3.3 ft). However, near a roadway grass heights are kept much lower for safety reasons and are typically in the range of 0.075 m (0.25 ft) to 0.225 m (0.75 ft).

The density-stiffness property of grass is defined by the Cs coefficient. Cs can be directly measured using the Fall-Board test (Appendix E) or estimated based on the conditions of the grass cover using Table 4.2. Good cover would be the typical reference condition.

Table 4.2. Density-stiffness Coefficient, Cs
Conditions Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Cs (SI) 580 290 106 24 8.6
Cs (CU) 49 25 9.0 2.0 0.73

The combined effect of grass stem height and density-stiffness is defined by the grass roughness coefficient.

Cn=α•Cs0.10h0.528 (4.1)


  Cn = grass roughness coefficient
  Cs = density-stiffness coefficient
  h = stem height, m (ft)
  α = unit conversion constant, 0.35 (SI), 0.237 (CU)

Table 4.3 provides Cn values for a range of cover and stem height conditions based on Equation 4.1. Denser cover and increased stem height result in increased channel roughness.

Table 4.3. Grass Roughness Coefficient, Cn
Stem Height m (ft) Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
0.075 (0.25) 0.168 0.157 0.142 0.122 0.111
0.150 (0.50) 0.243 0.227 0.205 0.177 0.159
0.225 (0.75) 0.301 0.281 0.254 0.219 0.197

SCS retardance values relate to a combination of grass stem-height and density. Cn values for standard retardance classes are provided in Table 4.4. Comparing Table 4.3 and 4.4 shows that retardance classes A and B are not commonly found in roadway applications. These retardance classes represent conditions where grass can be allowed to grow much higher than would be permissible for a roadside channel, e.g., wetlands and agricultural ditches. Class E would not be typical of most roadside channel conditions unless they were in a very poor state.

The range of Cn for roadside channels is between 0.10 and 0.30 with a value of 0.20 being common to most conditions and stem heights. In an iterative design process, a good first estimate of the grass roughness coefficient would be Cn = 0.20.

Table 4.4 (SI). Grass Roughness Coefficient, Cn, for SCS Retardance Classes
Retardance Class A B C D E
Stem Height, mm 910 610 200 100 40
Cs 390 81 47 33 44
Cn 0.605 0.418 0.220 0.147 0.093
Table 4.4 (CU). Grass Roughness Coefficient, Cn, for SCS Retardance Classes
Retardance Class A B C D E
Stem Height, in 36 24 8.0 4.0 1.6
Cs 33 7.1 3.9 2.7 3.8
Cn 0.605 0.418 0.220 0.147 0.093


Manning’s roughness coefficient for grass linings varies depending on grass properties as reflected in the Cn parameter and the shear force exerted by the flow. This is because the applied shear on the grass stem causes the stem to bend, which reduces the stem height relative to the depth of flow and reducing the roughness.

n = α•Cn•τ-0.4 (4.2)


  τo = mean boundary shear stress, N/m2 (lb/ft2)
  α = unit conversion constant, 1.0 (SI), 0.213 (CU)

See Appendix C.2 for the derivation of Equation 4.2.


The permissible shear stress of a vegetative lining is determined both by the underlying soil properties as well as those of the vegetation. Determination of permissible shear stress for the lining is based on the permissible shear stress of the soil combined with the protection afforded by the vegetation, if any.

4.3.1 Effective Shear Stress

Grass lining moves shear stress away from the soil surface. The remaining shear at the soil surface is termed the effective shear stress. When the effective shear stress is less than the allowable shear for the soil surface, then erosion of the soil surface will be controlled. Grass linings provide shear reduction in two ways. First, the grass stems dissipate shear force within the canopy before it reaches the soil surface. Second, the grass plant (both the root and stem) stabilizes the soil surface against turbulent fluctuations. This process model (USDA, 1987) for the effective shear at the soil surface is given by the following equation.

τe = τd•(1-Cf)•(ns/n)2 (4.3)


  τe = effective shear stress on the soil surface, N/m2 (lb/ft2)
  τd = design shear stress, N/m2 (lb/ft2)
  Cf = grass cover factor
  ns = soil grain roughness
  n = overall lining roughness

Soil grain roughness is taken as 0.016 when D75 < 1.3 mm (0.05 in). For larger grain soils, the soil grain roughness is given by:

ns = α•(D75)1/6 (4.4)


  ns = soil grain roughness (D75 < 1.3 mm (0.05 in))
  D75 = soil size where 75% of the material is finer, mm (in)
  α = unit conversion constant, 0.015 (SI), 0.026 (CU) 

Note that soil grain roughness value, ns, is less than the typical value reported in Table 2.1 for a bare soil channel. The total roughness value for bare soil channel includes form roughness (surface texture of the soil) in addition to the soil grain roughness. However, Equation 4.3 is based on soil grain roughness.

The grass cover factor, Cf, varies with cover density and grass growth form (sod or bunch). The selection of the cover factor is a matter of engineering judgment since limited data are available. Table 4.5 provides a reasonable approach to estimating a cover factor based on (USDA, 1987, Table 3.1). Cover factors are better for sod-forming grasses than bunch grasses. In all cases a uniform stand of grass is assumed. Non-uniform conditions include wheel ruts, animal trails and other disturbances that run parallel to the direction of the channel. Estimates of cover factor are best for good uniform stands of grass and there is more uncertainty in the estimates of fair and poor conditions.

Table 4.5. Cover Factor Values for Uniform Stands of Grass
Growth Form Cover Factor, Cf
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Sod 0.98 0.95 0.90 0.84 0.75
Bunch 0.55 0.53 0.50 0.47 0.41
Mixed 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.70 0.62

4.3.2 Permissible Soil Shear Stress

Erosion of the soil boundary occurs when the effective shear stress exceeds the permissible soil shear stress. Permissible soil shear stress is a function of particle size, cohesive strength, and soil density. The erodibility of coarse non-cohesive soils (defined as soils with a plasticity index of less than 10) is due mainly to particle size, while fine-grained cohesive soils are controlled mainly by cohesive strength and soil density.

New ditch construction includes the placement of topsoil on the perimeter of the channel. Topsoil is typically gathered from locations on the project and stockpiled for revegetation work. Therefore, the important physical properties of the soil can be determined during the design by sampling surface soils from the project area. Since these soils are likely to be mixed together, average physical properties are acceptable for design.

The following sections offer detailed methods for determination of soil permissible shear. However, the normal variation of permissible shear stress for different soils is moderate, particularly for fine-grained cohesive soils. An approximate method is also provided for cohesive soils. Non-cohesive Soils

The permissible soil shear stress for fine-grained, non-cohesive soils (D75 < 1.3 mm (0.05 in)) is relatively constant and is conservatively estimated at 1.0 N/m2 (0.02 lb/ft2). For coarse grained, non-cohesive soils (1.3 mm (0.05 in) < D75 < 50 mm (2 in)) the following equation applies.

τp,soil = α•D75 (4.5)


  τp,soil = permissible soil shear stress, N/m2 (lb/ft2)
  D75 = soil size where 75% of the material is finer, mm (in)
  α = unit conversion constant, 0.75 (SI), 0.4 (CU) Cohesive Soils

Cohesive soils are largely fine grained and their permissible shear stress depends on cohesive strength and soil density. Cohesive strength is associated with the plasticity index (PI), which is the difference between the liquid and plastic limits of the soil. The soil density is a function of the void ratio (e). The basic formula for permissible shear on cohesive soils is the following.

τp,soil = (c1•PI2 + c2•PI + c3)•(c4 + c5•e)2•c6 (4.6)


  τp,soil = soil permissible shear stress, N/m2 (lb/ft2)
  PI = plasticity index
  e = void ratio
  c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 = coefficients (Table 4.6)

A simplified approach for estimating permissible soil shear stress based on Equation 4.6 is illustrated in Figure 4.1. Fine grained soils are grouped together (GM, CL, SC, ML, SM, and MH) and coarse grained soil (GC). Clays (CH) fall between the two groups.

Higher soil unit weight increases the permissible shear stress and lower soil unit weight decreases permissible shear stress. Figure 4.1 is applicable for soils that are within 5 percent of a typical unit weight for a soil class. For sands and gravels (SM, SC, GM, GC) typical soil unit weight is approximately 1.6 ton/m3 (100 lb/ft3), for silts and lean clays (ML, CL) 1.4 ton/m3 (90 lb/ft3) and fat clays (CH, MH) 1.3 ton/m3 (80 lb/ft3).

Table 4.6. Coefficients for Permissible Soil Shear Stress (USDA, 1987)
ASTM Soil Classification(1) Applicable Range c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 (SI) c6 (CU)
GM 10 < PI < 20 1.07 14.3 47.7 1.42 -0.61 4.8×10-3 10-4
20 < PI     0.076 1.42 -0.61 48. 1.0
GC 10 < PI < 20 0.0477 2.86 42.9 1.42 -0.61 4.8×10-2 10-3
20 < PI     0.119 1.42 -0.61 48. 1.0
SM 10 < PI < 20 1.07 7.15 11.9 1.42 -0.61 4.8×10-3 10-4
20 < PI     0.058 1.42 -0.61 48. 1.0
SC 10 < PI < 20 1.07 14.3 47.7 1.42 -0.61 4.8×10-3 10-4
20 < PI     0.076 1.42 -0.61 48. 1.0
ML 10 < PI < 20 1.07 7.15 11.9 1.48 -0.57 4.8×10-3 10-4
20 < PI     0.058 1.48 -0.57 48. 1.0
CL 10 < PI < 20 1.07 14.3 47.7 1.48 -0.57 4.8×10-3 10-4
20 < PI     0.076 1.48 -0.57 48. 1.0
MH 10 < PI < 20 0.0477 1.43 10.7 1.38 -0.373 4.8×10-2 10-3
20 < PI     0.058 1.38 -0.373 48. 1.0
CH 20 < PI     0.097 1.38 -0.373 48. 1.0
(1) Note: Typical names
GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand silt mixtures
GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures
SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures
SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures
ML Inorganic silts, very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands
CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays
MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sands or silts, elastic silts
CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays

HEC-15 Figure 4.1 Cohesive Soil Permissible Shear Stress

Figure 4.1. Cohesive Soil Permissible Shear Stress

4.3.3 Permissible Vegetation/Soil Shear Stress

The combined effects of the soil permissible shear stress and the effective shear stress transferred through the vegetative lining results in a permissible shear stress for the vegetative lining. Taking Equation 4.3 and substituting the permissible shear stress for the soil for the effective shear stress on the soil, τe, gives the following equation for permissible shear stress for the vegetative lining:

τpp,soil/(1-Cf)•(n/ns)2 (4.7)


  τp = permissible shear stress on the vegetative lining, N/m2 (lb/ft2)
  τp,soil = permissible soil shear stress, N/m2 (lb/ft2)
  Cf = grass cover factor
  ns = soil grain roughness
  n = overall lining roughness

Design Example: Grass Lining Design (SI)

Evaluate a grass lining for a roadside channel given the following channel shape, soil conditions, grade, and design flow. It is expected that the grass lining will be maintained in good conditions in the spring and summer months, which are the main storm seasons.


  Shape: Trapezoidal, B = 0.9 m, Z = 3
  Soil: Clayey sand (SC classification), PI = 16, e = 0.5
  Grass: Sod, height = 0.075 m
  Grade: 3.0 percent
  Flow: 0.5 m3/s


The solution is accomplished using procedure given in Section 3.1 for a straight channel.

  Step 1. Channel slope, shape, and discharge have been given.
  Step 2. A vegetative lining on a clayey sand soil will be evaluated.
  Step 3. Initial depth is estimated at 0.30 m
    From the geometric relationship of a trapezoid (see Appendix B):
    A = B•d + Z•d2 = 0.9•(0.3) + 3•(0.3)2 = 0.540 m2
    P = B + 2•d•√(Z2 + 1) = 0.9 + 2•(0.3)•√(32 + 1) = 2.80 m
    R = A/P = (0.54)/(2.8) = 0.193 m
  Step 4. To estimate n, the applied shear stress on the grass lining is given by Equation 2.3
    τo = γ•R•So = 9810•(0.193)•(0.03) = 56.8 N/m2
    Determine a Manning’s n value from Equation 4.2. From Table 4.3, Cn = 0.142
    n = α•Cnτ-0.4 = 1.0•(0.142)•(56.8)-0.4 = 0.028
    The discharge is calculated using Manning’s equation (Equation 2.1):
    Q = α/n•A•R2/3•Sf1/2 = 1/0.028•(0.540)•(0.193)2/3•(0.03)1/2 = 1.12 m3/s
  Step 5. Since this value is more than 5 percent different from the design flow, we need to go back to step 3 to estimate a new flow depth.
  Step 3 (2nd iteration). Estimate a new depth solving Equation 2.2 or other appropriate method iteratively to find the next estimate for depth:
    d = 0.21 m
    Revise the hydraulic radius.
    A = B•d + Z•d2 = 0.9•(0.21) + 3•(0.21)2 = 0.321 m2
    P =B + 2•d•√(Z2 + 1) = 0.9 + 2•(0.21)•√(32 + 1) = 2.23 m
    R = A/P = (0.321)/(2.23) = 0.144 m
  Step 4 (2nd iteration). To estimate n, the applied shear stress on the grass lining is given by Equation 2.3
    τo = γ•R•So = 9810•(0.144)•(0.03) = 42.4 N/m2
    Determine a Manning’s n value from Equation 4.2. From Table 4.3, Cn = 0.142
    n = α•Cn•τ-0.4 = 1.0•(0.142)•(42.4)-0.4 = 0.032
    The discharge is calculated using Manning’s equation (Equation 2.1):
    Q = α/n•A•R2/3•Sf1/2 = 1/0.032•0.321)•(0.144)2/3•(0.03)1/2 = 0.48 m3/s
  Step 5 (2nd iteration). Since this value is within 5 percent of the design flow, we can proceed to step 6.
  Step 6. The maximum shear on the channel bottom is:
    τd = γ•d•So = 9810•(0.21)•(0.03) = 61.8 N/m2
    Determine the permissible soil shear stress from Equation 4.6.
    τp,soil = (c1•PI2 + c2•PI + c3)•(c4+c5•e)2•c6 = (1.07•(16)2 + 14.3•(16) + 47.7)(1.42 – 0.61•(0.5))2•(0.0048) = 3.28 N/m2
    Equation 4.7 gives the permissible shear stress on the vegetation. The value of Cf is found in Table 4.5.
    τp = τp,soil/(1-Cf)•(n/ns)2 = 3.28/(1 – 0.9)•(0.032/0.016)2 = 131 N/m2
    The safety factor for this channel is taken as 1.0.
  Step 7. The grass lining is acceptable since the maximum shear on the vegetation is less than the permissible shear of 131 N/m2.

Design Example: Grass Lining Design (CU)

Evaluate a grass lining for a roadside channel given the following channel shape, soil conditions, grade, and design flow. It is expected that the grass lining will be maintained in good conditions in the spring and summer months, which are the main storm seasons.

  Shape: Trapezoidal, B = 3.0 ft, Z = 3
  Soil: Clayey sand (SC classification), PI = 16, e = 0.5
  Grass: Sod, height = 0.25 ft
  Grade: 3.0 percent
  Flow: 17.5 ft3/s


The solution is accomplished using procedure given in Section 3.1 for a straight channel.

  Step 1. Channel slope, shape, and discharge have been given.
  Step 2. A vegetative lining on a clayey sand soil will be evaluated.
  Step 3. Initial depth is estimated at 1.0 ft
    From the geometric relationship of a trapezoid (see Appendix B):
    A = B•d + Z•d2 = 3.0•(1.0) + 3•(1.0)2 = 6.00 ft2
    P = B + 2•d•√(Z2 + 1) = 3.0 + 2•(1.0)•√(32 + 1) = 9.32 ft
    R = A/P = (6.00)/(9.32) = 0.643 ft
  Step 4. To estimate n, the applied shear stress on the grass lining is given by Equation 2.3
    τo = γ•R•So = 62.4•(0.643)•(0.03) = 1.20 lb/ft2
    Determine a Manning’s n value from Equation 4.2. From Table 4.3, Cn = 0.142
    n = α•Cnτ-0.4 = 0.213•(0.142)•(1.20)-0.4 = 0.028
    The discharge is calculated using Manning’s equation (Equation 2.1):
    Q = α/n•A•R2/3•Sf1/2 = 1.49/0.028•(6.00)•(0.643)2/3•(0.03)1/2 = 41.2 ft3/s
  Step 5. Since this value is more than 5 percent different from the design flow, we need to go back to step 3 to estimate a new flow depth.
  Step 3 (2nd iteration). Estimate a new depth solving Equation 2.2 or other appropriate method iteratively to find the next estimate for depth:
    d = 0.70 ft
    Revise the hydraulic radius.
    A = B•d + Z•d2 = 3.0•(0.70) + 3•(0.70)2 = 3.57 ft2
    P =B + 2•d•√(Z2 + 1) = 3.0 + 2•(0.70)•√(32 + 1) = 7.43 ft
    R = A/P = (3.57)/(7.43) = 0.481 ft
  Step 4 (2nd iteration). To estimate n, the applied shear stress on the grass lining is given by Equation 2.3
    τo = γ•R•So = 62.4•(0.481)•(0.03) = 0.90 lb/ft2
    Determine a Manning’s n value from Equation 4.2. From Table 4.3, Cn = 0.142
    n = α•Cn•τ-0.4 = 0.213•(0.142)•(0.90)-0.4 = 0.032
    The discharge is calculated using Manning’s equation (Equation 2.1):
    Q = α/n•A•R2/3•Sf1/2 = 1.49/0.032•3.57)•(0.481)2/3•(0.03)1/2 = 17.7 ft3/s
  Step 5 (2nd iteration). Since this value is within 5 percent of the design flow, we can proceed to Step 6.
  Step 6. The maximum shear on the channel bottom is:
    τd = γ•d•So = 62.4•(0.70)•(0.03) = 1.31 lb/ft2
    Determine the permissible soil shear stress from Equation 4.6.
    τp,soil = (c1•PI2 + c2•PI + c3)•(c4+c5•e)2•c6 = (1.07•(16)2 + 14.3•(16) + 47.7)(1.42 – 0.61•(0.5))2•(0.0001) = 0.068 lb/ft2
    Equation 4.7 gives the permissible shear stress on the vegetation. The value of Cf is found in Table 4.5.
    τp = τp,soil/(1-Cf)•(n/ns)2 = 0.068/(1 – 0.9)•(0.032/0.016)2 = 2.7 lb/ft2
    The safety factor for this channel is taken as 1.0.
  Step 7. The grass lining is acceptable since the maximum shear on the vegetation is less than the permissible shear of 2.7lb/ft2.


The maximum discharge for a vegetative lining is estimated following the basic steps outlined in Section 3.6. To accomplish this, it is necessary to develop a means of estimating the applied bottom shear stress that will yield the permissible effective shear stress on the soil. Substituting Equation 4.2 into Equation 4.3 and assuming the τo = 0.75•τd and solving for τd yields:

τd=[α•τe/(1-Cf)•(Cn/ns)2]5/9 (4.8)


  α = unit conversion constant, 1.26 (SI), 0.057 (CU)

The assumed relationship between τo and τd is not constant. Therefore, once the depth associated with maximum discharge has been found, a check should be conducted to verify the assumption.

Design Example: Maximum Discharge for a Grass Lining (SI)

Determine the maximum discharge for a grass-lined channel given the following shape, soil conditions, and grade.


  Shape: Trapezoidal, B = 0.9 m, z = 3
  Soil: Silty sand (SC classification), PI = 5, D75 = 2 mm
  Grade: 5.0 percent


The solution is accomplished using procedure given in Section 3.6 for a maximum discharge approach.

  Step 1. The candidate lining is a sod forming grass in good condition with a stem height of 0.150 m.
  Step 2. Determine the maximum depth. For a grass lining this requires several steps. First, determine the permissible soil shear stress. From Equation 4.5:
    τp = α•D75=0.75•(2)=1.5 N/m2
    To estimate the shear, we will first need to use Equation 4.1 to estimate Cn with Cs taken from Table 4.2
    Cn = α•Cs0.10•h0.528 = 0.35•(106)0.10•(0.150)0.528 = 0.205
    Next, estimate the maximum applied shear using Equation 4.8.
    τd = [α•τe/(1 – Cf)•(C<n/ns)2]5/9 = [1.26•(1.5)/(1 – 0.9)•(0.205/0.016)2]5/9 = 87 N/m2
    Maximum depth from Equation 3.10 with a safety factor of 1.0 is:
    d = τd/((SF)•γ•So) = 87/((1.0)•9800•(0.05) = 0.18 m
  Step 3. Determine the area and hydraulic radius corresponding to the allowable depth based on the channel geometry
    A = B•d + Z•d2 = 0.90•(0.18) + 3•(0.18)2 = 0.259 m2
    P = B + 2•d•√(Z2 + 1) = 0.9 + 2•(0.18)•√(32 + 1) = 2.04 m
    R = A/P = (0.259)/(2.04) = 0.127 m
  Step 4. Estimate the Manning’s n value appropriate for the lining type from Equation 4.2, but first calculate the mean boundary shear.
    τo = γ•R•So = 9810•(0.127)•(0.05) = 62.3 N/m2
    n = α•Cn•τo-0.4 = 1.0•(0.205)•(62.3)-0.4 = 0.039
  Step 5. Solve Manning’s equation to determine the maximum discharge for the channel.
    Q = α/n•A•R2/3•S1/2 = 1/0.039•(0.259)•(0.127)2/3•(0.05)1/2 = 0.38 m3/s
    Since Equation 4.8 used in Step 2 is an approximate equation, check the effective shear stress using Equation 4.3.
    τe = τd•(1 – Cf)•(ns/n)2 = 87•(1 – 0.9)•(0.016/0.0392 = 1.46 N/m2
    Since this value is less than, but close to τp for the soil 1.5 N/m2, the maximum discharge is 0.38 m3/s.

Design Example: Maximum Discharge for a Grass Lining (CU)

Determine the maximum discharge for a grass-lined channel given the following shape, soil conditions, and grade.


  Shape: Trapezoidal, B = 3.0 ft, z = 3
  Soil: Silty sand (SC classification), PI = 5, D75 = 0.08 in
  Grade: 5.0 percent


The solution is accomplished using procedure given in Section 3.6 for a maximum discharge approach.

  Step 1. The candidate lining is a sod forming grass in good condition with a stem height of 0.5 ft.
  Step 2. Determine the maximum depth. For a grass lining this requires several steps. First, determine the permissible soil shear stress. From Equation 4.5:
    τp = α•D75 = 0.4•(0.08) = 0.032 lb/ft2
    To estimate the shear, we will first need to use Equation 4.1 to estimate Cn with Cs taken from Table 4.2
    Cn = α•Cs0.10•h0.528 = 0.237•(9.0)0.10•(0.5)0.528 = 0.205
    Next, estimate the maximum applied shear using Equation 4.8.
    τd = [α•τe/(1 – Cf)•(C<n/ns)2]5/9 = [0.57•(0.032)/(1 – 0.9)•(0.205/0.016)2]5/9 = 1.84 lb/ft2
    Maximum depth from Equation 3.10 with a safety factor of 1.0 is:
    d = τd/((SF)•γ•So) = 1.84/((1.0)•62.4•(0.05) = 0.59 ft
  Step 3. Determine the area and hydraulic radius corresponding to the allowable depth based on the channel geometry
    A = B•d + Z•d2 = 3.0•(0.59) + 3•(0.59)2 = 2.81 ft2
    P = B + 2•d•√(Z2 + 1) = 3.0 + 2•(0.59)•√(32 + 1) = 6.73 ft
    R = A/P = (2.81)/(6.73) = 0.42 ft
  Step 4. Estimate the Manning’s n value appropriate for the lining type from Equation 4.2, but first calculate the mean boundary shear.
    τo = γ•R•So = 62.4•(0.42)•(0.05) = 1.31 lb/ft2
    n = α•Cn•τo-0.4 = 0.213•(0.205)•(1.31)-0.4 = 0.039
  Step 5. Solve Manning’s equation to determine the maximum discharge for the channel.
    Q = α/n•A•R2/3•S1/2 = 1.49/0.039•(2.81)•(0.42)2/3•(0.05)1/2 = 13.5 ft3/s
    Since Equation 4.8 used in Step 2 is an approximate equation, check the effective shear stress using Equation 4.3.
    τe = τd•(1 – Cf)•(ns/n)2 = 1.84•(1 – 0.9)•(0.016/0.0392 = 0.031 lb/ft2
    Since this value is less than, but close to τp for the soil 0.032 lb/ft2, the maximum discharge is 13.5 ft3/s.


The rock products industry provides a variety of uniformly graded gravels for use as mulch and soil stabilization. A gravel/soil mixture provides a non-degradable lining that is created as part of the soil preparation and is followed by seeding. The integration of gravel and soil is accomplished by mixing (by raking or disking the gravel into the soil). The gravel provides a matrix of sufficient thickness and void space to permit establishment of vegetation roots within the matrix. It provides enhanced erosion resistance during the vegetative establishment period and it provides a more resistant underlying layer than soil once vegetation is established.

The density, size and gradation of the gravel are the main properties that relate to flow resistance and erosion control performance. Stone specific gravity should be approximately 2.6 (typical of most stone). The stone should be hard and durable to ensure transport without breakage. Placed density of uniformly graded gravel is 1.76 metric ton/m3 (1.5 ton/yd3). A uniform gradation is necessary to permit germination and growth of grass plants through the gravel layer. Table 4.7 provides two typical gravel gradations for use in erosion control.

Table 4.7. Gravel Gradation Table, Percentages Passing Nominal Size Designations
Size Very Coarse (D75 = 45 mm (1.75 in)) Coarse (D75 = 30 mm (1.2 in))
50.0 mm (2 in) 90 – 100  
37.5 mm (1.5 in) 35 – 70 90 – 100
25.0 mm (1 in) 0 – 15 35 – 70
19.0 mm (0.75 in)   0 – 15

The application rate of gravel mixed into the soil should result in 25 percent of the mixture in the gravel size. Generally, soil preparation for a channel lining will be to a depth of 75 to 100 mm (3 to 4 inches). The application rate of gravel to the prepared soil layer that results in a 25 percent gravel mix is calculated as follows.

Igravel = α•((1 – igravel)/3)•Ts•γgravel (4.9)


  Igravel = gravel application rate, metric ton/m2 (ton/yd2)
  igravel = fraction of gravel (equal to or larger than gravel layer size) already in the soil
  Ts = thickness of the soil surface, m (ft)
  γgravel = unit weight of gravel, metric ton/m3 (ton/yd3)
  α = unit conversion constant, 1.0 (SI), 0.333 (CU)

The gravel application rates for fine-grained soils (igravel = 0) are summarized in Table 4.8. If the soil already contains some coarse gravel, then the application rate can be reduced by 1- igravel.

Table 4.8. Gravel Application Rates for Fine Grain Soils
Soil Preparation Depth Application Rate, Igravel
75 mm (3 inches) 0.044 ton/m2 (0.041 ton/yd2)
100 mm (4 inches) 0.058 ton/m2 (0.056 ton/yd2)

The effect of roadside maintenance activities, particularly mowing, on longevity of gravel/soil mixtures needs to be considered. Gravel/soil linings are unlikely to be displaced by mowing since they are heavy. They are also a particle-type lining, so loss of a few stones will not affect overall lining integrity. Therefore, a gravel/soil mix is a good turf reinforcement alternative.

Design Example: Turf Reinforcement with a Gravel/Soil Mixture (SI)

Evaluate the following proposed lining design for a vegetated channel reinforced with a coarse gravel soil amendment. The gravel will be mixed into the soil to result in 25 percent gravel. Since there is no existing gravel in the soil, an application rate of 0.058 ton/m2 is recommended (100 mm soil preparation depth). See Table 4.8.


  Shape: Trapezoidal, B = 0.9 m, Z = 3
  Soil: Silty sand (SC classification), PI = 5, D75 = 2 mm
  Grass: Sod, good condition, h = 0.150 m
  Gravel: D75 = 25 mm
  Grade: 5.0 percent
  Flow: 1.7 m3/s


The solution is accomplished using procedure given in Section 3.1 of HEC-15 for a straight channel.

  Step 1. Channel slope, shape, and discharge have been given.
  Step 2. Proposed lining is a vegetated channel with a gravel soil amendment.
  Step 3. Initial depth is estimated at 0.30 m
    From the geometric relationship of a trapezoid (see Appendix B):
    A = B•d + Z•d2 = 0.9•(0.3) + 3•(0.32 = 0.540 m2
    P = B + 2•d•√(Z2 +1) = 0.9 + 2•(0.3)•√(32 +1) = 2.80 m
    R = A/P = (0.540 m2)/(2.80 m) = 0.193 m
  Step 4. To estimate n, the applied shear stress on the grass lining is given by Equation 2.3
    τo = γ•R•So = 9810•(0.193)•(0.05) = 94.7 N/m2
    Determine a Manning’s n value from Equation 4.2. From Table 4.3, Cn = 0.205
    n = α•Cn•τ-0.4 = 1.0•(0.205)•(94.7)-0.4 = 0.033
    The discharge is calculated using Manning’s equation (Equation 2.1):
    Q = α/n•A•R2/3•Sf1/2 = 1/(0.033)•(0.540)•(0.193)2/3•(0.05)1/2 = 1.22 m3/s
  Step 5. Since this value is more than 5 percent different from the design flow, we need to go back to Step 3 to estimate a new flow depth.
  Step 3 (2nd iteration). Estimate a new depth solving Equation 2.2 or other appropriate method iteratively to find the next estimate for depth:
    d = 0.35 m
    Revise hydraulic radius.
    A = B•d + Z•d2 = 0.9•(0.35) + 3•(0.35)2 = 0.682 m2
    P = B + 2•d•√(Z2 +1) = 0.9 + 2•(0.35)•√(32 +1) = 3.11 m
    R = A/P = (0.682 m2)/(3.11 m) = 0.219 m
  Step 4 (2nd iteration). To estimate n, the applied shear stress on the grass lining is given by Equation 2.3
    τo = γ•R•So = 9810•(0.219)•(0.05) = 107 N/m2
    Determine a Manning’s n value for the vegetation from Equation 4.2. From Table 4.3, Cn = 0.205
    n = α•Cn•τ-0.4 = 1.0•(0.205)•(107)-0.4 = 0.032
    The discharge is calculated using Manning’s equation (Equation 2.1):
    Q = α/n•A•R2/3•Sf1/2 = 1/(0.032)•(0.682)•(0.219)2/3•(0.05)1/2 = 1.73 m3/s
  Step 5 (2nd iteration). Since this value is within 5 percent of the design flow, we can proceed to Step 6.
  Step 6. The maximum shear on the channel bottom is:
    τd = γ•d•So = 9810•(0.35)•(0.05) = 172 N/m2
    Determine the permissible shear stress from Equation 4.4. For turf reinforcement with gravel/soil the D75 for the gravel is used instead of the D75 for the soil.
    τp,soil = α•D75 = 0.75•(25) = 19 N/m2
    A Manning’s n for the soil/gravel mixture is derived from Equation 4.4:
    ns = α•D751/6 = 0.015•(25)1/6 = 0.026
    Equation 4.7 gives the permissible shear stress on the vegetation. The value of Cf is found in Table 4.5.
    τp = τp,soil/(1 – Cf)•(n/ns)2 = 19/(1 – 0.9)•(0.032/0.026)2 = 288 N/m2
    The safety factor for this channel is taken as 1.0.
  Step 7. The grass lining reinforced with the gravel/soil mixture is acceptable since the permissible shear is greater than the maximum shear.

Design Example: Turf Reinforcement with a Gravel/Soil Mixture (CU)

Evaluate the following proposed lining design for a vegetated channel reinforced with a coarse gravel soil amendment. The gravel will be mixed into the soil to result in 25 percent gravel. Since there is no gravel in the soil, an application rate of 0.056 ton/yd2 is recommended (4 inch soil preparation depth). See Table 4.8.


  Shape: Trapezoidal, B = 3 ft, Z = 3
  Soil: Silty sand (SC classification), PI = 5, D75 = 0.08 in
  Grass: Sod, good condition, h = 0.5 in
  Gravel: D75 = 1.0 in
  Grade: 5.0 percent
  Flow: 60 ft3/s


The solution is accomplished using procedure given in Section 3.1 of HEC-15 for a straight channel.

  Step 1. Channel slope, shape, and discharge have been given.
  Step 2. Proposed lining is a vegetated channel with a gravel soil amendment.
  Step 3. Initial depth is estimated at 1.0 ft
    From the geometric relationship of a trapezoid (see Appendix B):
    A = B•d + Z•d2 = 3.0•(1.0) + 3•(1.02 = 6.0 ft2
    P = B + 2•d•√(Z2 +1) = 3.0 + 2•(1.0)•√(32 +1) = 9.32 ft
    R = A/P = (6.0 ft2)/(9.32 ft) = 0.644 ft
  Step 4. To estimate n, the applied shear stress on the grass lining is given by Equation 2.3
    τo = γ•R•So = 62.4•(0.644)•(0.05) = 2.01 lb/ft2
    Determine a Manning’s n value from Equation 4.2. From Table 4.3, Cn = 0.205
    n = α•Cn•τ-0.4 = 0.213•(0.205)•(2.01)-0.4 = 0.033
    The discharge is calculated using Manning’s equation (Equation 2.1):
    Q = α/n•A•R2/3•Sf1/2 = 1.49/(0.033)•(6.0)•(0.644)2/3•(0.05)1/2 = 45.2 ft3/s
  Step 5. Since this value is more than 5 percent different from the design flow, we need to go back to Step 3 to estimate a new flow depth.
  Step 3 (2nd iteration). Estimate a new depth solving Equation 2.2 or other appropriate method iteratively to find the next estimate for depth:
    d = 1.13 ft
    Revise hydraulic radius.
    A = B•d + Z•d2 = 3.0•(1.13) + 3•(1.13)2 = 7.22 ft2
    P = B + 2•d•√(Z2 +1) = 3.0 + 2•(1.13)•√(32 +1) = 10.1 ft
    R = A/P = (7.22 ft2)/(10.1 ft) = 0.715 ft
  Step 4 (2nd iteration). To estimate n, the applied shear stress on the grass lining is given by Equation 2.3
    τo = γ•R•So = 62.4•(0.715)•(0.05) = 2.23 lb/ft2
    Determine a Manning’s n value for the vegetation from Equation 4.2. From Table 4.3, Cn = 0.205
    n = α•Cn•τ-0.4 = 1.0•(0.205)•(107)-0.4 = 0.032
    The discharge is calculated using Manning’s equation (Equation 2.1):
    Q = α/n•A•R2/3•Sf1/2 = 1.49/(0.032)•(7.22)•(0.715)2/3•(0.05)1/2 = 60.1 m3/s
  Step 5 (2nd iteration). Since this value is within 5 percent of the design flow, we can proceed to Step 6.
  Step 6. The maximum shear on the channel bottom is:
    τd = γ•d•So = 62.4•(1.13)•(0.05) = 3.53 lb/ft2
    Determine the permissible shear stress from Equation 4.4. For turf reinforcement with gravel/soil the D75 for the gravel is used instead of the D75 for the soil.
    τp,soil = α•D75 = 0.4•(1.0) = 0.4 lb/ft2
    A Manning’s n for the soil/gravel mixture is derived from Equation 4.4:
    ns = α•D751/6 = 0.026•(1.0)1/6 = 0.026
    Equation 4.7 gives the permissible shear stress on the vegetation. The value of Cf is found in Table 4.5.
    τp = τp,soil/(1 – Cf)•(n/ns)2 = 0.4/(1 – 0.9)•(0.032/0.026)2 = 6.06 lb/ft2
    The safety factor for this channel is taken as 1.0.
  Step 7. The grass lining reinforced with the gravel/soil mixture is acceptable since the permissible shear is greater than the maximum shear.

HEC-15: Permissible Shear Stress


Values for permissible shear stress for riprap and gravel linings are based on research conducted at laboratory facilities and in the field. The values presented here are judged to be conservative and appropriate for design use. Permissible shear stress is given by the following equation:

τp = F*.(γs – γ).D50 (6.7)


  • τp = permissible shear stress, N/m2 (lb/ft2)
  • F* = Shield’s parameter, dimensionless
  • γs = specific weight of the stone, N/m3 (lb/ft3)
  • γ = specific weight of the water, 9810 N/m3 (62.4 lb/ft3)
  • D50 = mean riprap size, m (ft)

Typically, a specific weight of stone of 25,900 N/m3 (165 lb/ft3) is used, but if the available stone is different from this value, the site-specific value should be used.

Recalling Equation 3.2,

τp ≥ SF.τd

and Equation 3.1,

τd = γ.d.So

Equation 6.7 can be written in the form of a sizing equation for D50 as shown below:

D50 ≥ (SF.d.So)/(F*.(SG – 1)) (6.8)


  • d = maximum channel depth, m (ft)
  • SG = specific gravity of rock (γs/γ), dimensionless

Changing the inequality sign to an equality gives the minimum stable riprap size for the channel bottom. Additional evaluation for the channel side slope is given in Section 6.3.2.

Equation 6.8 is based on assumptions related to the relative importance of skin friction, form drag, and channel slope. However, skin friction and form drag have been documented to vary resulting in reports of variations in Shield’s parameter by different investigators, for example Gessler (1965), Wang and Shen (1985), and Kilgore and Young (1993). This variation is usually linked to particle Reynolds number as defined below:

Re = V*.D50 (6.9)


  • Re = particle Reynolds number, dimensionless
  • V* = shear velocity, m/s (ft/s)
  • ν = kinematic viscosity, 1.131×10-6 m2/s at 15.5 deg C (1.217×10-5 ft2/s at 60 deg F)

Shear velocity is defined as:

V* = √(g.d.S) (6.10)


  • g = gravitational acceleration, 9.81 m/s2 (32.2 ft/s2)
  • d = maximum channel depth, m (ft)
  • S = channel slope, m/m (ft/ft)

Higher Reynolds number correlates with a higher Shields parameter as is shown in Table 6.1. For many roadside channel applications, Reynolds number is less than 4×104 and a Shields parameter of 0.047 should be used in Equations 6.7 and 6.8. In cases for a Reynolds number greater than 2×105, for example, with channels on steeper slopes, a Shields parameter of 0.15 should be used. Intermediate values of Shields parameter should be interpolated based on the Reynolds number.

Table 6.1. Selection of Shields’ Parameter and Safety Factor
Reynolds number F* SF
≤ 4×104 0.047 1.0
4×104<Re<2×105 Linear interpolation Linear interpolation
≥ 2×105 0.15 1.5

Higher Reynolds numbers are associated with more turbulent flow and a greater likelihood of lining failure with variations of installation quality. Because of these conditions, it is recommended that the Safety Factor be also increased with Reynolds number as shown in Table 6.1. Depending on site-specific conditions, safety factor may be further increased by the designer, but should not be decreased to values less than those in Table 6.1.

As channel slope increases, the balance of resisting, sliding, and overturning forces is altered slightly. Simons and Senturk (1977) derived a relationship that may be expressed as follows:

D50 ≥ SF•d•S•Δ/(F*•(SG – 1)) (6.11)


  • Δ = function of channel geometry and riprap size.

The parameter Δ can be defined as follows (see HEC-15 Appendix D for the derivation):

Δ = (K1•(1 + sin(α + β)•tan Φ)/(2•(cosθ•tanΦ  – SF•sinθ•cosβ)) (6.12)


  • α = angle of the channel bottom slope
  • β = angle between the weight vector and the weight/drag resultant vector in the plane of the side slope
  • θ = angle of the channel side slope
  • Φ = angle of repose of the riprap.

Finally, β is defined by:

β = tan-1(cosα/(2•sinθ/(η•tanΦ) + sinα)) (6.13)


  • η = stability number.

The stability number is calculated using:

η = τs/(F*•(Υs – Υ)•D50) (6.14)

Riprap stability on a steep slope depends on forces acting on an individual stone making up the riprap. The primary forces include the average weight of the stones and the lift and drag forces induced by the flow on the stones. On a steep slope, the weight of a stone has a significant component in the direction of flow. Because of this force, a stone within the riprap will tend to move in the flow direction more easily than the same size stone on a milder gradient. As a result, for a given discharge, steep slope channels require larger stones to compensate for larger forces in the flow direction and higher shear stress.

The size of riprap linings increases quickly as discharge and channel gradient increase. Equation 6.11 (not shown) is recommended when channel slope is greater than 10 percent and provides the riprap size for the channel bottom and sides. Equation 6.8 is recommended for slopes less than 5 percent. For slopes between 5 percent and 10 percent, it is recommended that both methods be applied and the larger size used for design. Values for safety factor and Shields parameter are taken from Table 6.1 for both equations.

Manning’s n For Riprap-Lined Channels


Manning’s roughness is a key parameter needed for determining the relationships between depth, velocity, and slope in a channel. However, for gravel and riprap linings, roughness has been shown to be a function of a variety of factors including flow depth, D50, D84, and friction slope, Sf. A partial list of roughness relationships includes Blodgett (1986a), Limerinos (1970), Anderson, et al. (1970), USACE (1994), Bathurst (1985), and Jarrett (1984). For the conditions encountered in roadside and other small channels, the relationships of Blodgett and Bathurst are adopted for this manual.

Blodgett (1986a) proposed a relationship for Manning’s roughness coefficient, n, that is a function of the flow depth and the relative flow depth (da/D50) as follows (Equation 6.1):

n = α⋅da1/6/(2.25 + 5.23⋅log(da/D50)) (6.1)


  • n = Manning’s roughness coefficient, dimensionless
  • da = average flow depth in the channel, m (ft)
  • D50 = median riprap/gravel size, m (ft)
  • α = unit conversion constant, 0.319 (SI) and 0.262 (CU)

Equation 6.1 is applicable for the range of conditions where 1.5 ≤ da/D50 ≤ 185. For small channel applications, relative flow depth should not exceed the upper end of this range.

Some channels may experience conditions below the lower end of this range where protrusion of individual riprap elements into the flow field significantly changes the roughness relationship. This condition may be experienced on steep channels, but also occurs on moderate slopes. The relationship described by Bathurst (1991) addresses these conditions and can be written as follows (See Appendix D for the original form of the equation):

n = α⋅da1/6 / (√g⋅f(Fr)⋅f(REG)⋅f(CG)) (6.2)


  • da = average flow depth in the channel, m (ft)
  • g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2 (32.2 ft/s2)
  • Fr = Froude number
  • REG = roughness element geometry
  • CG = channel geometry
  • α = unit conversion constant, 1.0 (SI) and 1.49 (CU)

Equation 6.2 is a semi-empirical relationship applicable for the range of conditions where 0.3<da/D50<8.0. The three terms in the denominator represent functions of Froude number, roughness element geometry, and channel geometry given by the following equations:

  f(Fr) = (0.28⋅Fr/b)log(0.755/b) (6.3)
  f(REG) =13.434⋅(T/D50)0.492b1.025⋅(T/D50)0.118 (6.4)
  f(CG) = (T/da)-b (6.5)


  • T = channel top width, m (ft)
  • b = parameter describing the effective roughness concentration.

The parameter b describes the relationship between effective roughness concentration and relative submergence of the roughness bed. This relationship is given by:

b = 1.14⋅(D50/T)0.453(da/D50)0.814 (6.6)

Equations 6.1 and 6.2 both apply in the overlapping range of 1.5 ≤ da/D50 ≤ 8. For consistency and ease of application over the widest range of potential design situations, use of the Blodgett equation (6.1) is recommended when 1.5 ≤ da/D50. The Bathurst equation (6.2) is recommended for 0.3<da/D50<1.5.

As a practical problem, both Equations 6.1 and 6.2 require depth to estimate n while n is needed to determine depth setting up an iterative process.

Shear Stress & Permissible Velocity

HEC-15 Section 3.1 & HDM Index 864.2

Shear Stress Equation

The maximum shear stress is given by:

τ = γ⋅Hn⋅S


  • τ = shear stress in channel at maximum depth (N/m2 or psf)
  • γ = unit weight of water
  • Hn = depth of flow in channel (ft or m)
  • S = channel bottom slope
Table 865.2 Permissible Shear and Velocity for Selected Lining Materials
Boundary Category Boundary Type Permissible Shear Stress (lb/ft2) Permissible Velocity (ft/s)
Soils(1) Fine colloidal sand 0.03 1.5
Sandy loam (noncolloidal) 0.04 1.75
Clayey sands (cohesive, PI ≥ 10) 0.095 2.6
Inorganic silts (cohesive, PI ≥ 10) 0.11 2.7
Silty Sands (cohesive, PI ≥ 10) 0.072 2.4
Alluvial silt (noncolloidal) 0.05 2
Silty loam (noncolloidal) 0.05 2.25
Finer than course sand – D75 < 0.05 in. (non-cohesive) 0.02 1.3
Firm loam 0.075 2.5
Fine gravels 0.075 2.5
Fine gravel (non-cohesive, D75 = 0.3 in, PI<10) 0.12 2.8
Gravel (D75 = 0.6 in) (non-cohesive, D75 = 0.6 in, PI<10) 0.24 3.7
Inorganic clays (cohesive, PI ≥ 20) 0.14 2.9
Stiff clay 0.25 4.5
Alluvial silt (colloidal) 0.25 3.75
Graded loam to cobbles 0.38 3.75
Graded silts to cobbles 0.43 4
Shales and hardpan 0.67 6
Vegetation Class A turf (Table 4.1, HEC No. 15) 3.7 8
Class B turf (Table 4.1, HEC No. 15) 2.1 7
Class C turf (Table 4.1, HEC No. 15) 1 3.5
Long native grasses 1.7 6
Short native and bunch grass 0.95 4
Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECPs)
Temporary Degradable Erosion Control Blankets (ECBs) Single net straw 1.65 3
Double net coconut/straw blend 1.75 6
Double net shredded wood 1.75 6
Open Weave Textile (OWT) Jute 0.45 2.5
Coconut fiber 2.25 4
Vegetated coconut fiber 8 9.5
Straw with net 1.65 3
Non Degradable Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs) Unvegetated 3 7
Partially established 6 12
Fully vegetated 8 12
Rock Slope Protection, Cellular Confinement and Concrete
Rock Slope Protection Small-Rock Slope Protection
(4-inch Thick Layer)
0.8 6
Small-Rock Slope Protection
(7-inch Thick Layer)
2 8
No. 2 2.5 10
Facing 5 12
Gabions Gabions 6.3 12
Cellular Confinement:
Vegetated infill
71 in2 cell and TRM 11.6 12
Cellular Confinement: Aggregate Infill 1.14 – in. D50 (45 in2 cell) 6.9 12
3.5” D50 (45 in2 cell) 15.1 11.5
1.14” D50 (71 in2 cell) 13.2 12
3.5” D50 (71 in2 cell) 18 11.7
1.14” D50 (187 in2 cell) 10.92 12
3.5” D50 (187 in2 cell) 10.55 12
Cellular Confinement:
Concrete Infill
(71 in2 cell) 2 12
Hard Surfacing Concrete 12.5 12

Trapezoidal Channel: Manning’s n

Caltrans Highway Design Manual

Commonly accepted values for Manning’s roughness coefficient are provided in Table 866.3A. The tabulated values take into account deterioration of the channel lining surface, distortion of the grade line due to unequal settlement, construction joints and normal surface irregularities. These average values should be modified to satisfy any foreseeable abnormal conditions (Reference: Caltrans Highway Design Manual Index 866.3(3)).

Table 866.3A Average Values for Manning’s n
Type of Channel n value
Unlined Channels:
  Clay Loam 0.023
  Sand 0.020
  Gravel 0.030
  Rock 0.040
Lined Channels:
  Portland Cement Concrete 0.014
  Sand 0.020
  Gravel 0.030
  Rock 0.040
Lined Channels:
  Portland Cement Concrete 0.014
  Air Blown Mortar (troweled) 0.012
  Air Blown Mortar (untroweled) 0.016
  Air Blown Mortar (roughened) 0.025
  Asphalt Concrete 0.016 – 0.018
  Sacked Concrete 0.025
Pavement and Gutters:
  Portland Cement Concrete 0.013 – 0.015
  Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete 0.016 – 0.018
Depressed Medians:
  Earth (without growth) 0.016 – 0.025
  Earth (with growth) 0.05
  Gravel (d50 = 1 in. flow depth < 6 in.) 0.040
  Gravel (d50 = 2 in. flow depth < 6 in.) 0.056
  For additional values of n, see HEC No. 15, Tables 2.1 and 2.2, and “Introduction to Highway Hydraulics”, Hydraulic Design Series No. 4, FHWA Table 14. (No such table. Table B-2 provides n values.)


Section 2.1.3 Resistance to Flow

For rigid channel lining types, Manning’s roughness coefficient, n, is approximately constant. However, for very shallow flows the roughness coefficient will increase slightly. (Very shallow is defined where the height of the roughness is about one-tenth of the flow depth or more.)

For a riprap lining, the flow depth in small channels may be only a few times greater than the diameter of the mean riprap size. In this case, use of a constant n value is not acceptable and consideration of the shallow flow depth should be made by using a higher n value.

Tables 2.1 and 2.2 provide typical examples of n values of various lining materials. Table 2.1 summarizes linings for which the n value is dependent on flow depth as well as the specific properties of the material. Values for rolled erosion control products (RECPs) are presented to give a rough estimate of roughness for the three different classes of products. Although there is a wide range of RECPs available, jute net, curled wood mat, and synthetic mat are examples of open-weave textiles, erosion control blankets, and turf reinforcement mats, respectively. Chapter 5 contains more detail on roughness for RECPs.

Table 2.2 presents typical values for the stone linings: riprap, cobbles, and gravels. These are highly depth-dependent for roadside channel applications. More in-depth lining-specific information on roughness is provided in Chapter 6. Roughness guidance for vegetative and gabion mattress linings is in Chapters 4 and 7, respectively.

Table 2.1. Typical Roughness Coefficients for Selected Linings
  Manning’s n1
Lining Category2 Lining Type Maximum Typical Minimum
Rigid Concrete 0.015 0.013 0.011
Grouted Riprap 0.040 0.030 0.028
Stone Masonry 0.042 0.032 0.030
Soil Cement 0.025 0.022 0.020
Asphalt 0.018 0.016 0.016
Unlined Bare Soil 0.025 0.020 0.016
Rock Cut (smooth, uniform) 0.045 0.035 0.025
RECP Open-weave textile 0.028 0.025 0.022
Erosion control blankets 0.045 0.035 0.028
Turf reinforement mat 0.036 0.030 0.024
1Based on data from Kouwen, et al. (1980), Cox, et al. (1970), McWhorter, et al. (1968) and Thibodeaux (1968).
2Minimum value accounts for grain roughness. Typical and maximum values incorporate varying degrees of form roughness.

Table 2.2. Typical Roughness Coefficients for Riprap, Cobble, and Gravel Linings
  Manning’s n for Selected Flow Depths1
Lining Category Lining Type 0.15 m (0.5 ft) 0.50 m (1.6 ft) 1.0 m (3.3 ft)
Gravel Mulch D50 = 25 mm (1 in.) 0.040 0.033 0.031
D50 = 50 mm (2 in.) 0.056 0.042 0.038
Cobbles D50 = 0.1 m (0.33 ft) 2 0.055 0.047
Rock Riprap D50 = 0.15 m (0.5 ft) 2 0.069 0.056
D50 = 0.1 m (0.33 ft) 2 2 0.080
1Based on Equation 6.1 (Blodgett and McConaughy, 1985). Manning’s n estimated assuming a trapezoidal channel with 1:3 side slopes and 0.6 m (2 ft) bottom width.
2Shallow relative depth (average depth to D50 ratio less than 1.5) requires use of Equation 6.2 (Bathurst, et al., 1981) and is slope-dependent. See Section 6.1.

HEC-15 Design of Roadside Channels, 3rd Ed

Author(s): Kilgore RT, Cotton GK
Publisher: FHWA
Year: 2005
Links: PDF
Subjects: channel lining, channel stabilization, tractive force, resistance, permissible shear stress, vegetation, riprap, manufactured linings, RECP, gabions
Cover of HEC-15, 3rd Edition

Flexible linings provide a means of stabilizing roadside channels. Flexible linings are able to conform to changes in channel shape while maintaining overall lining integrity. Long-term flexible linings such as riprap, gravel, or vegetation (reinforced with synthetic mats or unreinforced) are suitable for a range of hydraulic conditions. Unreinforced vegetation and many transitional and temporary linings are suited to hydraulic conditions with moderate shear stresses.

Design procedures are given for four major categories of flexible lining: vegetative linings; manufactured linings (RECPs); riprap, cobble, gravel linings; and gabion mattress linings. Design procedures for composite linings, bends, and steep slopes are also provided. The design procedures are based on the concept of maximum permissible tractive force. Methods for determination of hydraulic resistance applied shear stress as well as permissible shear stress for individual linings and lining types are presented.

This edition includes updated methodologies for vegetated and manufactured lining design that addresses the wide range of commercial products now on the market. This edition also includes a unified design approach for riprap integrating alternative methods for estimating hydraulic resistance and the steep slope procedures. Other minor updates and corrections have been made. This edition has been prepared using dual units.

Channel – Grass Lining

Channel – Riprap Lining

HEC-15: Riprap and Gravel Lining Design

Source: HEC-15
Author: RT Kilgore and K Cotton (FHWA)


Riprap, cobble, and gravel linings are considered permanent flexible linings. They may be described as a non-cohesive layer of stone or rock with a characteristic size, which for the purposes of this manual is the D50. The applicable sizes for the guidance in this manual range from 15 mm (0.6 in) gravel up to 550 mm (22 in) riprap. For the purposes of this manual, the boundary between gravel, cobble, and riprap sizes will be defined by the following ranges:

Gravel: 15 – 64 mm (0.6 – 2.5 in)
Cobble: 64 – 130 mm (2.5 – 5.0 in)
Riprap: 130 – 550 mm (5.0 – 22.0 in)

Other differences between gravels, cobbles, and riprap may include gradation and angularity. These issues will be addressed later.

Gravel mulch, although considered permanent, is generally used as supplement to aid in the establishment of vegetation (See Chapter 4). It may be considered for areas where vegetation establishment is difficult, for example, in arid-region climates. For the transition period before the establishment of the vegetation, the stability of gravel mulch should be assessed using the procedures in this chapter.

The procedures in this chapter are applicable to uniform prismatic channels (as would be characteristic of roadside channels) with rock sizes within the range given above. For situations not satisfying these two conditions, the designer is referred to another FHWA circular (No. 11) “Design of Riprap Revetment” (FHWA, 1989).


Manning’s roughness is a key parameter needed for determining the relationships between depth, velocity, and slope in a channel. However, for gravel and riprap linings, roughness has been shown to be a function of a variety of factors including flow depth, D50, D84, and friction slope, Sf. A partial list of roughness relationships includes Blodgett (1986a), Limerinos (1970), Anderson, et al. (1970), USACE (1994), Bathurst (1985), and Jarrett (1984). For the conditions encountered in roadside and other small channels, the relationships of Blodgett and Bathurst are adopted for this manual.

Blodgett (1986a) proposed a relationship for Manning’s roughness coefficient, n, that is a function of the flow depth and the relative flow depth (da/D50) as follows:

n =α•da1/6/(2.25 + 5.23•log(da/D50)) (6.1)


n = Manning’s roughness coefficient, dimensionless
da = average flow depth in the channel, m (ft)
D50 = median riprap/gravel size, m (ft)
α = unit conversion constant, 0.319 (SI) and 0.262 (CU).

Equation 6.1 is applicable for the range of conditions where 1.5 ≤ da/D50 ≤ 185. For small channel applications, relative flow depth should not exceed the upper end of this range.

Some channels may experience conditions below the lower end of this range where protrusion of individual riprap elements into the flow field significantly changes the roughness relationship. This condition may be experienced on steep channels, but also occurs on moderate slopes. The relationship described by Bathurst (1991) addresses these conditions and can be written as follows (See Appendix D for the original form of the equation):

n = α•da1/6/(√g•f(Fr)•f(REG)•f(CG)) (6.2)
da = average flow depth in the channel, m (ft)
g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2 (32.2 ft/s2)
Fr = Froude number
REG = roughness element geometry
CG = channel geometry
α = unit conversion constant, 1.0 (SI) and 1.49 (CU).

Equation 6.2 is a semi-empirical relationship applicable for the range of conditions where 0.3 < da/D50 < 8.0. The three terms in the denominator represent functions of Froude number, roughness element geometry, and channel geometry given by the following equations:

f(Fr) = (0.28•Fr/b)log(0.755/b) (6.3)
f(REG) = 13.434•(T/D50)0.492•bx (6.4)
x = 1.025•(T/D50)0.118 (6.4a)
f(CG) = (T/da)-b (6.5)


T = channel top width, m (ft)
b = parameter describing the effective roughness concentration.

The parameter b describes the relationship between effective roughness concentration and relative submergence of the roughness bed. This relationship is given by:

b = 1.14•(D50/T)0.453•(da/D50)0.814 (6.6)

Equations 6.1 and 6.2 both apply in the overlapping range of 1.5 ≤ da/D50 ≤ 8. For consistency and ease of application over the widest range of potential design situations, use of the Blodgett equation (6.1) is recommended when 1.5 ≤ da/D50. The Bathurst equation (6.2) is recommended for 0.3 < da/D50 <1.5.

As a practical problem, both Equations 6.1 and 6.2 require depth to estimate n while n is needed to determine depth, setting up an iterative process.


Values for permissible shear stress for riprap and gravel linings are based on research conducted at laboratory facilities and in the field. The values presented here are judged to be conservative and appropriate for design use. Permissible shear stress is given by the following equation:

τp = F*.(γs – γ).D50 (6.7)


τp = permissible shear stress, N/m2 (lb/ft2)
F* = Shield’s parameter, dimensionless
γs = specific weight of the stone, N/m3 (lb/ft3)
γ = specific weight of the water, 9810 N/m3 (62.4 lb/ft3)
D50 = mean riprap size, m (ft)

Typically, a specific weight of stone of 25,900 N/m3 (165 lb/ft3) is used, but if the available stone is different from this value, the site-specific value should be used.

Recalling Equation 3.2,

τp ≥ SF.τd

and Equation 3.1,

τd = γ.d.So

Equation 6.7 can be written in the form of a sizing equation for D50 as shown below:

D50 ≥ (SF.d.So)/(F*.(SG – 1)) (6.8)


  • d = maximum channel depth, m (ft)
  • SG = specific gravity of rock (γs/γ), dimensionless

Changing the inequality sign to an equality gives the minimum stable riprap size for the channel bottom. Additional evaluation for the channel side slope is given in Section 6.3.2.

Equation 6.8 is based on assumptions related to the relative importance of skin friction, form drag, and channel slope. However, skin friction and form drag have been documented to vary resulting in reports of variations in Shield’s parameter by different investigators, for example Gessler (1965), Wang and Shen (1985), and Kilgore and Young (1993). This variation is usually linked to particle Reynolds number as defined below:

Re = V*.D50 (6.9)


  • Re = particle Reynolds number, dimensionless
  • V* = shear velocity, m/s (ft/s)
  • ν = kinematic viscosity, 1.131×10-6 m2/s at 15.5 deg C (1.217×10-5 ft2/s at 60 deg F)

Shear velocity is defined as:

V* = √(g.d.S) (6.10)


  • g = gravitational acceleration, 9.81 m/s2 (32.2 ft/s2)
  • d = maximum channel depth, m (ft)
  • S = channel slope, m/m (ft/ft)

Higher Reynolds number correlates with a higher Shields parameter as is shown in Table 6.1. For many roadside channel applications, Reynolds number is less than 4×104 and a Shields parameter of 0.047 should be used in Equations 6.7 and 6.8. In cases for a Reynolds number greater than 2×105, for example, with channels on steeper slopes, a Shields parameter of 0.15 should be used. Intermediate values of Shields parameter should be interpolated based on the Reynolds number.

Table 6.1. Selection of Shields’ Parameter and Safety Factor
Reynolds number F* SF
≤ 4×104 0.047 1.0
4×104<Re<2×105 Linear interpolation Linear interpolation
≥ 2×105 0.15 1.5

Higher Reynolds numbers are associated with more turbulent flow and a greater likelihood of lining failure with variations of installation quality. Because of these conditions, it is recommended that the Safety Factor be also increased with Reynolds number as shown in Table 6.1. Depending on site-specific conditions, safety factor may be further increased by the designer, but should not be decreased to values less than those in Table 6.1.

As channel slope increases, the balance of resisting, sliding, and overturning forces is altered slightly. Simons and Senturk (1977) derived a relationship that may be expressed as follows:

D50 ≥ SF•d•S•Δ/(F*•(SG – 1)) (6.11)


  • Δ = function of channel geometry and riprap size.

The parameter Δ can be defined as follows (see HEC-15 Appendix D for the derivation):

Δ = (K1•(1 + sin(α + β)•tan Φ)/(2•(cosθ•tanΦ – SF•sinθ•cosβ)) (6.12)


  • α = angle of the channel bottom slope
  • β = angle between the weight vector and the weight/drag resultant vector in the plane of the side slope
  • θ = angle of the channel side slope
  • Φ = angle of repose of the riprap.

Finally, β is defined by:

β = tan-1(cosα/(2•sinθ/(η•tanΦ) + sinα)) (6.13)


  • η = stability number.

The stability number is calculated using:

η = τs/(F*•(Υs – Υ)•D50) (6.14)

Riprap stability on a steep slope depends on forces acting on an individual stone making up the riprap. The primary forces include the average weight of the stones and the lift and drag forces induced by the flow on the stones. On a steep slope, the weight of a stone has a significant component in the direction of flow. Because of this force, a stone within the riprap will tend to move in the flow direction more easily than the same size stone on a milder gradient. As a result, for a given discharge, steep slope channels require larger stones to compensate for larger forces in the flow direction and higher shear stress.

The size of riprap linings increases quickly as discharge and channel gradient increase. Equation 6.11 (not shown) is recommended when channel slope is greater than 10 percent and provides the riprap size for the channel bottom and sides. Equation 6.8 is recommended for slopes less than 5 percent. For slopes between 5 percent and 10 percent, it is recommended that both methods be applied and the larger size used for design. Values for safety factor and Shields parameter are taken from Table 6.1 for both equations.