EM-1110-2-2502 Retaining and Flood Walls

Author(s): USACE
Publisher: USACE
Year: 1989
Links: PDF, USACE Publications
Subjects: Flood control, Reinforced concrete, Retaining walls, Structures
Size: 448 pages, 5.66 MB
EM-1110-2-2502 cover

This manual provides guidance for the safe design and economical construction of retaining and flood walls. It is intended primarily for retaining walls which will be subjected to hydraulic loadings such as flowing water, submergence, wave action, and spray, exposure to chemically contaminated atmosphere, and/or severe climatic conditions. For the design of retaining walls which will not be subjected to hydraulic loadings or severe environmental conditions as described above, TM 5-818-1 may be used for computing the loadings and evaluating the stability of the structure.

Types of Walls. This manual presents design guidance for retaining walls and inland and coastal flood walls. Retaining walls are defined as any wall that restrains material to maintain a difference in elevation. A flood wall is defined as any wall having as its principal function the prevention of flooding of adjacent land.

Not specifically covered in this manual are seawalls which are defined as structures separating land and water areas, primarily designed to prevent erosion and other damage due to wave action. They are frequently built at the edge of the water, but can be built inland to withstand periods of high water. Seawalls are generally characterized by a massive cross section and a seaward face shaped to dissipate wave energy.

Coastal flood walls, however, are generally located landward of the normal high water line so that they are inundated only by hurricane or other surge tide and have the smooth-faced cantilever stems shown in this manual.

Types of Foundations. This manual describes procedures for the design of retaining and flood walls on shallow foundations, i.e., bearing directly on rock or soil. The substructure design of pile-founded walls is not included, but is covered in EM 1110-2-2906.

Flood Wall Guidance. A flood wall is treated as a special case of a retaining wall. Unless specifically noted, the guidance herein applies to both retaining and flood walls.

Geotechnical and Structural Aspects. Both geotechnical and structural aspects of wall design are included. Coordination between geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, and geologists in the design of retaining and flood walls is essential.

EM-1110-2-1420 Hydrologic Engineering Requirements For Reservoirs

Author(s): USACE
Publisher: USACE
Year: 1997
Links: PDF, USACE Publications
Subjects: Flood control, Hydrology, Hydropower, Water supply
Size: 115 pages, 0.80 MB
EM-1110-2-1420 cover.

This manual provides information on hydrologic engineering studies for reservoir projects. These studies can utilize many of the hydrologic engineering methods described in the manuals listed in paragraph 1-4. Hydraulic design of project features are not included here; they are presented in a series of hydraulic design manuals.

This manual is divided into four parts. Part 1 provides basic hydrologic concepts for reservoirs . Reservoir purposes and basic hydrologic concerns and methods are presented. Part 2 describes hydrologic data and analytical methods. Part 3 covers storage requirements for various project purposes, and the last, Part 4, covers hydrologic engineering studies.

EM-1110-2-1601 Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels

Author(s): USACE
Publisher: USACE
Year: 1991
Link: PDF, USACE Publications
Subjects: Channels, Flood control
Size: 183 pages, 2.29 MB
EM-1110-2-1601 Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels

This manual presents procedures for the design analysis and criteria of design for improved channels that carry rapid and/or tranquil flows.

Procedures are presented without details of the theory of the hydraulics involved since these details can be found in any of various hydraulic textbooks and publications available to the design engineer. Theories and procedures in design, such as flow in curved channels, flow at bridge piers, flow at confluences, and side drainage inlet structures, that are not covered fully in textbooks are discussed in detail with the aid of Hydraulic Design Criteria (HDC) charts published by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (USAEWES).

The charts and other illustrations are included in Appendix B to aid the designer. References to HDC are by HDC chart number. The use of models to develop and verify design details is discussed briefly. Typical calculations are presented to illustrate the principles of design for channels under various conditions of flow. Electronic computer programming techniques are not treated in this manual. However, most of the basic hydraulics presented herein can be adapted for computer use as illustrated in Appendix D.