HEC-14 Hydraulic Design of Energy Dissipators for Culverts and Channels

Author(s): Philip L. Thompson and Roger T. Kilgore Publisher: FHWA Year: 2006 Links: PDF Subjects: energy dissipator, culvert, channel, erosion, outlet velocity, hydraulic jump, internal dissipator, stilling basin, impact basin, riprap basin, riprap apron, drop structure, stilling well The purpose of this circular is to provide design information for analyzing and mitigating energy dissipation problems […]

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HDS-4 Introduction To Highway Hydraulics

Author(s): James D. Schall, Everett V. Richardson, and Johnny L. Morris Publisher: FHWA Year: 2008 Links: PDF Subjects: Hydrology, hydraulics, highway drainage, open channels, roadside ditches, pavement drainage, inlets, conduits, culverts, storm drains, energy dissipators Hydraulic Design Series No. 4 provides an introduction to highway hydraulics. Hydrologic techniques presented concentrate on methods suitable to small […]

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