HDS-5 Inlet Control Equations



This appendix contains the inlet control equations used to develop the design charts of this publication (HDS-5). Section A.2 contains the equations for the unsubmerged and submerged inlet control equations. Section A.3 demonstrates how the Section A.2 equations are used to create dimensionless design curves for culvert shapes with coefficients (Section A.3.1) and without (Section A.3.2). Section A.4 discusses how the dimensionless design curves are used to develop the nomographs in Appendix C. Section A.5 discusses how the dimensionless design curves are used to develop the polynomial equations used in FHWA software.


The equations used to develop the inlet control nomographs in Appendix C are based on the research conducted by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) under the sponsorship of the Bureau of Public Roads (now the Federal Highway Administration). John L. French of the NBS produced seven progress reports as a result of this research. Of these, the first (NBS 1955) and fourth (NBS 1961) through seventh reports (NBS 1966a, 1966b, and 1967) dealt with the hydraulics of pipe and box culvert entrances, with and without tapered inlets. Herbert G. Bossy of the FHWA provides an excellent synthesis of the research in his paper, “Hydraulic of conventional Highway Culverts” (Bossy 1961). Additional background on the development of the equations is found in HEC-13 (FHWA 1972a) and unpublished notebooks and notes (Bossy 1963 and Normann 1974).

The two basic conditions of inlet control depend upon whether the inlet end of the culvert is or is not submerged by the upstream headwater. If the inlet is not submerged by the headwater, the inlet performs as a weir and the unsubmerged equations are used (Section A.2.1). If the inlet is submerged by the headwater, the inlet performs as an orifice and the submerged equations are used (Section A.2.2).

Between the unsubmerged and the submerged conditions, there is a transition zone for which the NBS research provided only limited information. The transition zone is defined empirically by drawing a curve between and tangent to the curves defined by the unsubmerged and submerged equations. In most cases, the transition zone is short and the curve is easily constructed.

A.2.1 Unsubmerged Inlet Control Equations

The unsubmerged equation has two forms. Form (1) is based on the specific head at critical depth, adjusted with two correction factors. Form (2) is an exponential equation similar to a weir equation. Form (1) is preferable from a theoretical standpoint, but Form (2) is easier to apply and is the only documented form of equation for some of the inlet control equations. Equations (A.1) and (A.2) apply up to about Q/(A*D0.5) = 3.5 (1.93 SI).

Form (1) HWi/D = Hc/D + K*[(Ku*Q)/(A*D0.5)]M + Ks*S (A.1)
Form (2) HWi/D = K*[(Ku*Q)/(A*D0.5)]M (A.2)
HWi Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, m (ft)
D Interior height of culvert barrel, ft (m)
Hc Specific head at critical depth (dc + Vc2/(2*g)), ft (m)
Q Discharge, ft3/s (m3/s)
A Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel, ft2 (m2)
S Culvert barrel slope, ft/ft (m/m)
K, M, c, Y Constants from Tables A.1, A.2, A.3
Ku Unit conversion 1.0 (1.811 SI)
Ks Slope correction, -0.5 (mitered inlets +0.7)

A.2.2 Submerged Inlet Control Equations

The submerged equation (A.3) applies above about Q/(A*D0.5) = 4.0 (2.21 SI). The terms are defined in Section A.2.1.

HWi/D = c*[(Ku*Q)/(A*D0.5)]2 + Y + Ks*S (A.3)


The equations in Section A.2 may be used to develop design curves for any conduit shape or size. Careful examination of the equation constants for a given form of equation reveals that there is very little difference between the constants for a given inlet configuration. Therefore, given the necessary conduit geometry for a new shape from the manufacturer, a similar shape is chosen and the constants are used to develop new design curves. The curves may be quasi- dimensionless, in terms of Q/(A*D0.5) and HWi/D, or dimensional, in terms of Q and HWi for a particular conduit size. To make the curves truly dimensionless, Q/(A*D0.5) must be divided by g0.5, but this produces small decimal numbers. Note that coefficients for rectangular (box) shapes should not be used for nonrectangular (circular, arch, pipe-arch, etc.) shapes and vice- versa. A constant slope value of 2 percent (0.02) is usually selected for the development of design curves. This is because the slope effect is small and the resultant headwater is conservatively high for sites with slopes exceeding 2 percent (except for mitered inlets). The procedure is illustrated in Section A.3.1.

A.3.1 Elliptical Structural Plate Example

Develop a dimensionless design curve for elliptical structural plate corrugated metal culverts, with the long axis horizontal. Assume a thin wall projecting inlet. Use the coefficients and exponents for a corrugated metal pipe-arch, a shape similar to an ellipse.

From Table A.1, Chart 34, Scale 3:

  • Unsubmerged: equation Form (1) with K = 0.0340 M = 1.5
  • Submerged: c = 0.0496 and Y = 0.53

Unsubmerged, equation Form (1) (Equation A.1):

HWi/D = Hc/D + 0.0340*(Q/(A*D0.5))1.5 – 0.5*0.02

Submerged (Equation A.3):

HWi/D = 0.0496*(Q/(A*D0.5))2 + 0.53 – 0.5*0.02

A direct relationship between HWi/D and Q/(A*D0.5) may be obtained for the submerged condition. For the unsubmerged condition, it is necessary to obtain the flow rate and equivalent specific head at critical depth. At critical depth, the critical velocity head is equal to one-half the hydraulic depth.

Vc2/(2*g) = yh/2 = Ap/2*Tp

Therefore, specific head at critical depth divided by D is:

Hc/D = dc/D + yh/(2*D) (A.4)

Since the Froude number equals 1.0 at critical depth, Vc can be determuned from the Froude number equation and set equal to Vc in the continuity equation to solve for Qc.

Fr = Vc/(g*yh)0.5 = 1, and Vc = Qc/Ap = (g*yh)0.5, from which Qc = Ap*(g*yh)0.5, or

Qc/(A*D0.5) = Ap/A*(g•(yh/D))0.5 (A.5)

From geometric data supplied by the manufacturer for a horizontal ellipse (Kaiser 1984), the necessary geometry is obtained to calculate Hc/D and Qc/(A*D0.5).

dc/D yh/D (Equation A.4)
Ap/A (Equation A.5)
0.1 0.04 0.12 0.04 0.05
0.2 0.14 0.27 0.14 0.30
0.4 0.30 0.55 0.38 1.18
0.6 0.49 0.84 0.64 2.54
0.8 0.85 1.22 0.88 4.60
0.9 1.27 1.53 0.97 6.20
1.0 1.00

From unsubmerged equation and the above table:

Qc/(A*D0.5) 0.0340*
+Hc/D -0.5*S = HWi/D
0.05 0.0004 0.12 0.01 0.11
0.30 0.0054 0.27 0.01 0.27
1.18 0.044 0.55 0.01 0.58
2.54 0.138 0.84 0.01 0.97
4.60 0.336 1.22 0.01 1.54
6.20 0.525 1.53 0.01 2.05

For the submerged equation, any value of Q/(A*D0.5) may be selected, since critical depth is not involved:

Qc/(A*D0.5) 0.0496*
+Y -0.5*S = HWi/D
1 0.05 0.53 0.01 *0.57
2 0.20 0.53 0.01 *0.72
4 0.79 0.53 0.01 1.31
6 1.79 0.53 0.01 2.31
8 3.17 0.53 0.01 3.69
*Obviously unsubmerged

Note that overlapping values of HWi/D were calculated in order to define the transition zone between the unsubmerged and the submerged states of flow. The results of the above calculations are plotted in Figure A.1. A transition line is drawn between the unsubmerged and the submerged curves. The scales are dimensionless in Figure A.1, but the figures could be used to develop dimensional curves for any selected size of elliptical conduit by multiplying: Q/(A*D0.5) by A*D0.5 and HWi/D by D.

Figure A.1. Dimensionless performance curve for structural plate elliptical conduit, long axis horizontal, thin wall projecting entrance.

A.3.2 Dimensionless Design Charts for Culverts without Coefficientc

The dimensionless inlet control design charts provided for long span arches (Chart 52) and for circular and elliptical pipes (Chart 51) were derived using the inlet control equations in Section A.2, selected constants from Table A.1, conduit geometry obtained from various tables and manufacturer’s information (FHWA 1972b, Kaiser 1984, AISI 1983).

Some inlet configurations have no hydraulic tests. In lieu of such tests, the selected edge conditions should approximate the untested configurations and lead to a good estimate of culvert performance. In some cases, it will be necessary to evaluate the inlet edge configuration at a specific flow depth. For example, some inlets may behave as mitered inlets at low headwaters and as thin wall projecting inlets at high headwaters. The designer must apply engineering judgment in selection of the proper relationships for these major structures.

Unsubmerged Conditions. Equation (A.1) was used to calculate HWi/D for selected inlet edge configurations. The following constants were taken from Table A.1, Chart 34 for pipe- arches, except for the 45 degree beveled edge inlet. These constants were taken from Chart 3, Scale A, for circular pipe. No constants were available from tests on pipe-arch models with beveled edges.

Inlet Edge K M Ku*S
Thin Wall Projecting 0.0340 1.5 -0.01
Mitered to Embankment 0.0300 1.0 +0.01
Square Edge in Headwall 0.0083 2.0 -0.01
Beveled Edge (45° Bevels) 0.0018 2.5 -0.01

Geometric relationships for the circular and elliptical (long axis horizontal) conduits were obtained from Tables 4 and 7 (FHWA 1972b), respectively. Geometric relationships for the high and low profile long span arches were obtained from DP-131 (Kaiser 1984) and the results were checked against tables in AISI handbook (AISI 1983).

Submerged Conditions. Equation (A.3) was used to calculate HWi/D for the same inlet configurations using the following constants:

Inlet Edge c Y Ku*S
Thin Wall Projecting 0.0496 0.53 -0.01
Mitered to Embankment 0.0463 0.75 +0.01
Square Edge in Headwall 0.0496 0.57 – 0.01
Beveled Edge (45° Bevels) 0.0300 0.74 – 0.01

In terms of Q/(A*D0.5), all non-rectangular shapes have practically the same dimensionless curves for submerged, inlet control flow. This is not true if Q/(B*D1.5) is used as the dimensionless flow parameter.

To convert Q/(B*D1.5) to Q/(A*D0.5), divide by A/(B*D) for the particular shape of interest as shown in Equation (A.6). This assumes that the shape is geometrically similar, so that A/(B*D) is nearly constant for a range of sizes.

(Q/(B*D1.5))/(A/(B*D)) = (Q/(B*D1.5))*(B*D/A) = Q/(A*D0.5) (A.6)

Dimensionless Curves. By plotting the results of the unsubmerged and submerged calculations and connecting the resultant curves with transition lines, the dimensionless design curves shown in Charts 51 and 52 of Appendix C were developed. All high and low profile arches can be represented by a single curve for each inlet edge configuration. A similar set of curves was developed for circular and elliptical shapes. It is recommended that the high and low profile arch curves in Chart 52 be used for all true arch shapes (those with a flat bottom) and that the curves in Chart 51 be used for curved shapes including circles, ellipses, pipe-arches, and pear shapes.

A.3.3 Dimensionless Critical Depth Charts

Some of the long span culverts and special culvert shapes have no critical depth charts. These special shapes are available in numerous sizes, making it impractical to produce individual critical depth curves for each culvert size and shape. Therefore, dimensionless critical depth curves were developed for the shapes which have adequate geometric relationships in the manufacturer’s literature. It should be noted that these special shapes are not truly geometrically similar, and any generalized set of geometric relationships will involve some degree of error. The amount of error is unknown since the geometric relationships were developed by the manufacturers.

The manufacturers’ literature contains geometric relationships which include the hydraulic depth divided by the rise (inside height) of the conduit (yh/D) and area of the flow prism divided by the barrel area (Ap/A) for various partial depth ratios, y/D. From Equation (A.5):

Q/(A*D0.5) = Ap/A*(g•yh/D)0.5 (A.7)

Setting y/D equal to dc/D, it is possible to determine Ap/A and yh/D at a given relative depth and then to calculate Qc/(A*D0.5). Dimensionless plots of dc/D versus Qc/(A*D0.5) have been developed for the following culvert materials and shapes:

  • Chart 20, corrugated metal box culverts (see Second edition HDS 5)
  • Chart 44, corrugated metal arches (see Second edition HDS 5)
  • Chart 53, Structural plate corrugated metal ellipses, long axis horizontal
  • Chart 54, Structural plate corrugated metal arches, low and high profile


The nomographs in Appendix C were developed using the equations in Section A.2 and the constants shown in Table A.1. The unsubmerged and submerged equations for a given shape, material and edge configuration were plotted using the dimensionless design curve procedures shown in Section A.3.1. A constant slope value of 2 percent (0.02) was used for the development of these design curves. This is because the slope effect is small and the resultant headwater is conservatively high for sites with slopes exceeding 2 percent (except for mitered inlets). A smooth transition was drawn by hand. This curve was the data used for constructing a nomograph. Dr. F. T. Mavis describes the process of making nomographs in “The Construction of Nomographic Charts” (Mavis 1939). Nomographs were used extensively in engineering prior to the introduction of microcomputers in the early 1980s.

In formulating inlet and outlet control design nomographs, a certain degree of error is introduced into the design process. This error is due to the fact that the nomograph construction involves graphical fitting techniques resulting in scales which do not exactly match the equations. Checks by the authors of the first edition and others indicate that all of the nomographs from HEC-5 have precisions of + 10 percent of the equation values in terms of headwater (inlet control) or head loss (outlet control). The nomographs for tapered inlets have errors of less than 5%, again in terms of headwater.


The polynomial equations were developed to be used in software. The equations in Section A.2 with the constants shown in the tables of constants for a given shape, material and edge configuration were plotted using the dimensionless design curve procedures shown in Section A.3.1. The coordinates of selected points can be read from the curve and a best fit statistical analysis performed. A polynomial equation of the following form has been found to provide an adequate fit.

HWi/D = A + B*[Q/(B*D1.5)] + C*[Q/(B*D1.5)]2 + … + X*[Q/(B*D1.5)]n + Ks*S

For fitting the polynomial equations, Ks = 0 was used for most equations so that the slope correction could be applied by the software. The flow factor can be based on A*D0.5 rather than B*D1.5. The constants for the best fit equations are found in the HY-8 User Manual provided with HY-8. For equations that included Ks*S, the A term is adjusted so that Ku*S = 0. HY-8 uses the polynomial equations for all shapes that have constants determined in the laboratory or by FHWA. These include:

  • Table A.1 – circles, boxes and tapered inlets (NBS, Bossy 1961)
  • Table A.2 – pipe-arches, ellipses, metal boxes and arches (Bossy 1961)
  • Table A.3 – South Dakota DOT RCB (FHWA 2006c)
  • Table A.4 – open bottom concrete boxes (Chase 1999)
  • Table A.5 – embedded circular shapes (NCHRP 2011)
  • Table A.6 – embedded elliptical shapes (NCHRP 2011)

For shapes without constants, HY-8 uses Chart 52 developed using the procedures of Section A.3.2.

Note From HDS-5 Section 3.1.3 Inlet Control

The original equations for computer software were generally 5th order polynomial curve-fitted equations that were developed to be as accurate as the nomograph solution (plus or minus 10%) within the headwater range of 0.5*D to 3.0*D. These equations are still being used in HY-8, but have been supplemented with a weir equation from 0.0*D to 0.5*D and an orifice equation above 3.0*D.

Table A.1 Constants for Inlet Control Equations for Charts in Appendix G.
Chart   Nomograph   Equation Unsubmerged Submerged  
No. Shape and Material Scale Inlet Configuration Form K M c Y References
1 Circular Concrete 1 Square edge w/ headwall 1 0.0098 2.0 0.0398 0.67 1, 2
1 Circular Concrete 2 Groove end w/ headwall 1 0.0018 2.0 0.0292 0.74 1, 2
1 Circular Concrete 3 Groove end projecting 1 0.0045 2.0 0.0317 0.69 1, 2
2 Circular CMP 1 Headwall 1 0.0078 2.0 0.0379 0.69 1, 2
2 Circular CMP 2 Mitered to slope 1 0.0210 1.33 0.0463 0.75 1, 2
2 Circular CMP 3 Projecting 1 0.0340 1.50 0.0553 0.54 1, 2
3 Circular A Beveled ring, 45° bevels 1 0.0018 2.50 0.0300 0.74 2
3 Circular B Beveled ring, 33.7° bevels* 1 0.0018 2.50 0.0243 0.83 2
8 Rect. Box Concrete 1 30° to 75° wingwall flares 1 0.026 1.0 0.0347 0.81 1, 3
8 Rect. Box Concrete 2 90° and 15° wingwall flares 1 0.061 0.75 0.0400 0.80 1, 3
8 Rect. Box Concrete 3 0° wingwall flares 1 0.061 0.75 0.0423 0.82 1, 3
9 Rect. Box Concrete 1 45° wingwall flare d = .043D 2 0.510 0.667 0.0309 0.80 3
9 Rect. Box Concrete 2 18° to 33.7° wingwall flare d = .083D 2 0.486 0.667 0.0249 0.83 3
10 Rect. Box Concrete 1 90° headwall w/3/4″ chamfers 2 0.515 0.667 0.0375 0.79 3
10 Rect. Box Concrete 2 90° headwall w/45° bevels 2 0.495 0.667 0.0314 0.82 3
10 Rect. Box Concrete 3 90° headwall w/33.7° bevels 2 0.486 0.667 0.0252 0.865 3
11 Rect. Box Concrete 1 3/4″ chamfers; 45° skewed headwall 2 0.545 0.667 .04505 0.73 3
11 Rect. Box Concrete 2 3/4″ chamfers; 30° skewed headwall 2 0.533 0.667 0.0425 0.705 3
11 Rect. Box Concrete 3 3/4″ chamfers; 15° skewed headwall 2 0.522 0.667 0.0402 0.68 3
11 Rect. Box Concrete 4 45° bevels; 10°-45° skewed headwall 2 0.498 0.667 0.0327 0.75 3
12 Rect. Box 3/4″ chamf. Conc. 1 45° non-offset wingwall flares 2 0.497 0.667 0.0339 0.803 3
12 Rect. Box 3/4″ chamf. Conc. 2 18.4° non-offset wingwall flares 2 0.493 0.667 0.0361 0.806 3
12 Rect. Box 3/4″ chamf. Conc. 3 18.4° non-offset wingwall flares 30° skewed barrel 2 0.495 0.667 0.0386 0.71 3
13 Rec. Box Top Bev. Conc. 1 45° wingwall flares – offset 2 0.497 0.667 0.0302 0.835 3
13 Rec. Box Top Bev. Conc. 2 33.7° wingwall flares – offset 2 0.495 0.667 0.0252 0.881 3
13 Rec. Box Top Bev. Conc. 3 18.4° wingwall flares – offset 2 0.493 0.667 0.0227 0.887 3
55 Circular 1 Smooth tapered inlet throat 2 0.534 0.555 0.0196 0.90 4
55 Circular 2 Rough tapered inlet throat 2 0.519 0.64 0.0210 0.90 4
56 Elliptical Face 1 Tapered inlet – beveled edges 2 0.536 0.622 0.0368 0.83 4
56 Elliptical Face 2 Tapered inlet – square edges 2 0.5035 0.719 0.0478 0.80 4
56 Elliptical Face 3 Tapered inlet – thin edge projecting 2 0.547 0.80 0.0598 0.75 4
57 Rectangular Concrete 1 Tapered inlet throat 2 0.475 0.667 0.0179 0.97 4
58 Rectangular Concrete 1 Side tapered – less favorable edges 2 0.56 0.667 0.0446 0.85 4
58 Rectangular Concrete 2 Side tapered – more favorable edges 2 0.56 0.667 0.0378 0.87 4
59 Rectangular Concrete 1 Slope tapered – less favorable edges 2 0.50 0.667 0.0446 0.65 4
59 Rectangular Concrete 2 Slope tapered – more favorable edges 2 0.50 0.667 0.0378 0.71 4
1Bossy 1963, 2FHWA 1974, 3NBS 5th, 4HEC-13


Table A.2 Constants for Inlet Control Equations for Discontinued Charts (see HDS-5).
Chart   Nomograph   Equation Unsubmerged Submerged  
No. Shape and Material Scale Inlet Configuration Form K M c Y References
16-19 Boxes CM 2 90° headwall 1 0.0083 2.0 0.0379 0.69 1
16-19 Boxes CM 3 Thick wall projecting 1 0.0145 1.75 0.0419 0.64 1
16-19 Boxes CM 5 Thin wall projecting 1 0.0340 1.5 0.0496 0.57 1
29 Horizontal Ellipse Concrete 1 Square edge w/ headwall 1 0.0100 2.0 0.0398 0.67 1
29 Horizontal Ellipse Concrete 2 Groove end w/ headwall 1 0.0018 2.5 0.0292 0.74 1
29 Horizontal Ellipse Concrete 3 Groove end projecting 1 0.0045 2.0 0.0317 0.69 1
30 Vertical Ellipse Concrete 1 Square edge w/ headwall 1 0.0100 2.0 0.0398 0.67 1
30 Vertical Ellipse Concrete 2 Groove end w/ headwall 1 0.0018 2.5 0.0292 0.74 1
30 Vertical Ellipse Concrete 3 Groove end projecting 1 0.0095 2.0 0.0317 0.69 1
34 Pipe Arch 18″ Corner radius CM 1 90° headwall 1 0.0083 2.0 0.0379 0.69 1
34 Pipe Arch 18″ Corner radius CM 2 Mitered to slope 1 0.0300 1.0 0.0463 0.75 1
34 Pipe Arch 18″ Corner radius CM 3 Projecting 1 0.0340 1.5 0.0496 0.57 1
35 Pipe Arch 18″ Corner radius CM 1 Projecting 1 0.0300 1.5 0.0496 0.57 2
35 Pipe Arch 18″ Corner radius CM 2 No Bevels 1 0.0088 2.0 0.0368 0.68 2
35 Pipe Arch 18″ Corner radius CM 3 33.7° Bevels 1 0.0030 2.0 0.0269 0.77 2
36 Pipe Arch 31″ Corner radius CM 1 Projecting 1 0.0300 1.5 0.0496 0.57 2
36 Pipe Arch 31″ Corner radius CM 2 No Bevels 1 0.0088 2.0 0.0368 0.68 2
36 Pipe Arch 31″ Corner radius CM 3 33.7° Bevels 1 0.0030 2.0 0.0269 0.77 2
41-43 Arch CM 1 90° headwall 1 0.0083 2.0 0.0379 0.69 1
41-43 Arch CM 2 Mitered to slope 1 0.0300 1.0 0.0463 0.75 1
41-43 Arch CM 3 Thin wall projecting 1 0.0340 1.5 0.0496 0.57 1
1FHWA 1974, 2Bossy 1963


Table A.3. Constants for Inlet Control Equations for South Dakota Concrete Box (HY-8 User Manual and Table 11 of FHWA 2006).
Sketch Wingwall Flare Top Bevel Top Radius Corner Fillet RCB Inlet Configuration Equation Form Unsub- merged K Unsub- merged M Sub- merged c Sub- merged Y
1 30° 45° Single barrel 2 0.44 0.74 0.040 0.48
2 30° 45° 6″ Multiple barrel (2, 3, and 4 cells) 2 0.47 0.68 0.04 0.62
3 30° 45° Single barrel (2:1 to 4:1 span-to-rise ratio) 2 0.48 0.65 0.041 0.57
4 30° 45° Multiple barrels (15°skewed headwall) 2 0.69 0.49 0.029 0.95
5 30° 45° Multiple barrels (30° to 45° skewed headwall) 2 0.69 0.49 0.027 1.02
6 none Single barrel, top edge 90° 2 0.55 0.64 0.047 0.55
7 45° 6″ Single barrel, (0 and 6-inch corner fillets) 2 0.56 0.62 0.045 0.55
8 45° 6″ Multiple barrels (2, 3, and 4 cells) 2 0.55 0.59 0.038 0.69
9 45° Single barrels 2:1 to 4:1 span-to-rise ratio) 2 0.61 0.57 0.041 0.67
10 8″ 6″ Single barrel (0 and 6-inch fillets) 2 0.56 0.62 0.038 0.67
11 8″ 12″ Single barrel (12-inch corner fillets) 2 0.56 0.62 0.038 0.67
12 8″ 12″ Multiple barrels (2, 3, and 4 cells) 2 0.55 0.6 0.023 0.96
13 8″ 12″ Single barrel (2:1 to 4:1 span-to-rise ratio) 2 0.61 0.57 0.033 0.79

Sketches are shown in the HY-8 documentation and research report. Since sketches 2 and 8 show fillets, a 6-inch fillet is assumed.

Sketches 1 through 5 have the first configuration. Sketches 7 through 13 have the second.

Table A.4. Constants for Inlet Control Equations for Concrete Open-Bottom Arch (Chase 1999).
Span to Rise1 Wingwall Flare Top Edge Inlet Configuration Equation Form Unsub- merged K Unsub- merged M Sub- merged c Sub- merged Y
2:1 90° Mitered to conform to slope 2 0.44 0.74 0.040 0.48
2:1 45° 90° Headwall with wingwalls 2 0.47 0.68 0.04 0.62
2:1 90° 90° Headwall 2 0.48 0.65 0.041 0.57
4:1 90° Mitered to conform to slope 2 0.69 0.49 0.029 0.95
4:1 45° 90° Headwall with wingwalls 2 0.69 0.49 0.027 1.02
4:1 90° 90° Headwall 2 0.56 0.62 0.045 0.55
1The 2:1 constants are used for ratios less than or equal to 3:1 and the 4:1 constants for ratios greater than 3:1.


Table A.5. Constants for Inlet Control Equations for Embedded Circular Shapes (NCHRP 15-24).
Embedded Top Edge Inlet Configuration Unsub- merged K Form 1 Unsub- merged M Form 1 Unsub- merged K Form 2 Unsub- merged M Form 2 Sub- merged c Sub- merged Y
0.2D thin Projecting End, Ponded 0.0860 0.58 0.4293 0.64 0.0303 0.58
0.2D thin Projecting End, Channelized 0.0737 0.45 0.4175 0.62 0.0250 0.63
0.2D Mitered End 1.5H:1V 0.0431 0.58 0.4002 0.63 0.0235 0.61
0.2D 90° Square Headwall 0.0566 0.44 0.4001 0.63 0.0198 0.69
0.2D 45° Beveled End 0.0292 0.57 0.3869 0.63 0.0161 0.73
0.4D thin Projecting End, Ponded 0.0840 0.76 0.4706 0.69 0.0453 0.69
0.4D thin Projecting End, Channelized 0.0927 0.59 0.4789 0.66 0.0441 0.52
0.4D Mitered End 1.5H:1V 0.0317 0.77 0.4185 0.68 0.0363 0.65
0.4D 90° Square Headwall 0.0490 0.71 0.4354 0.68 0.0332 0.67
0.4D 45° Beveled End 0.0358 0.62 0.4223 0.67 0.0245 0.75
0.5D thin Projecting End, Ponded 0.1057 0.69 0.4955 0.71 0.0606 0.54
0.5D thin Projecting End, Channelized 0.1055 0.59 0.4955 0.69 0.0570 0.48
0.5D Mitered End 1.5H:1V 0.0351 0.59 0.4419 0.68 0.0504 0.44
0.5D 90° Square Headwall 0.0595 0.59 0.0595 0.59 0.0402 0.65
0.5D 45° Beveled End 0.0464 0.46 0.4364 0.69 0.0324 0.67


Table A.6. Constants for Inlet Control Equations for Embedded Elliptical Shape (NCHRP 15-24).
Embedded Top Edge Inlet Configuration Unsubmerged K Form1 Unsubmerged M Form 1 Unsubmerged K Form 2 Unsubmerged M Form 2 Submerged c Sub- merged Y
0.5D thin Projecting End, Ponded 0.1231 0.51 0.5261 0.65 0.0643 0.50
0.5D thin Projecting End, Channelized 0.0928 0.54 0.4937 0.67 0.0649 0.12
0.5D Mitered End 1.5H:1V 0.0599 0.60 0.4820 0.67 0.0541 0.50
0.5D 90° Square Headwall 0.0819 0.45 0.4867 0.66 0.0431 0.61
0.5D 45° Beveled End 0.0551 0.52 0.4663 0.63 0.0318 0.68

HY-8 Polynomial Coefficients


Table 1. Polynomial Coefficients – Circular

HY-8 Equation Inlet Configuration KE SR A BS C DIP EE F
1 Thin Edge Projecting 0.9 0.5 0.187321 0.56771 -0.156544 0.0447052 -0.00343602 8.96610E-05
2 Mitered to Conform to Slope 0.7 -0.7 0.107137 0.757789 -0.361462 0.1233932 -0.01606422 0.00076739
3 Square Edge with Headwall (Steel/Aluminum/Corrugated PE) 0.5 0.5 0.167433 0.538595 -0.149374 0.0391543 -0.00343974 0.000115882
4 Grooved End Projecting 0.2 0.5 0.108786 0.662381 -0.233801 0.0579585 -0.0055789 0.000205052
5 Grooved End in Headwall 0.2 0.5 0.114099 0.653562 -0.233615 0.0597723 -0.00616338 0.000242832
6 Beveled Edge (1:1) 0.2 0.5 0.063343 0.766512 -0.316097 0.0876701 -0.009836951 0.00041676
7 Beveled Edge (1.5:1) 0.2 0.5 0.08173 0.698353 -0.253683 0.065125 -0.0071975 0.000312451
8 Square Projecting 0.2 0.5 0.167287 0.558766 -0.159813 0.0420069 -0.00369252 0.000125169
9 Square Edge with Headwall (Concrete/PVC/HDPE) 0.5 0.5 0.087483 0.706578 -0.253295 0.0667001 -0.00661651 0.000250619
10 End Section 0.4 0.5 0.120659 0.630768 -0.218423 0.0591815 -0.00599169 0.000229287


  • 1-9: Calculator Design Series (CDS) 3 for TI-59, FHWA, 1980, page 60
  • 1-10: Hydraulic Computer Program (HY) 1, FHWA, 1969, page 18

Table 2. Polynomial Coefficients – Embedded Circular

HY-8 Equation Inlet Configuration KE SR A BS C DIP EE F
1 20% Embedded, Projecting End, Pond 1.0 0.5 0.0608834861787302 0.485734308768152 -0.138194248908661 0.027539172439404 -0.00214546773150856 0.0000642768838741702
2 40% Embedded, Projecting End, Pond 1.0 0.5 0.0888877561313819 0.431529135749154 -0.073866511532321 0.0159200223783949 -0.00103390288198853 0.0000262133369282047
3 50% Embedded, Projecting End, Pond 1.0 0.5 0.0472950768985916 0.59879374328307 -0.191731763062064 0.0480749069653899 -0.00424418228907681 0.00014115316932528
4 20% Embedded, Square Headwall 0.55 0.5 0.0899367985347424 0.363046722229086 -0.0683746513605387 0.0109593856642167 -0.000706535544154146 0.0000189546410047092
5 40% Embedded, Square Headwall 0.55 0.5 0.074298531535586 0.4273662972292 -0.0849120530113796 0.0157965200237501 -0.00102651687866388 0.0000260155937601425
6 50% Embedded, Square Headwall 0.55 0.5 0.212469378699735 0.511461899639209 -0.174199884499934 0.0410961018431149 -0.00366309685788592 0.000123085395227651
7 20% Embedded, 45 degree Beveled End 0.35 0.5 0.0795781442396077 0.373319755852658 -0.0821508852481996 0.0148670702428601 -0.00121876746632593 0.0000406896111847521
8 40% Embedded, 45 degree Beveled End 0.35 0.5 0.0845740029462746 0.389113662011417 -0.0685090654986062 0.0117190357464366 -0.000790440416133214 0.0000226453591207209
9 50% Embedded, 45 degree Beveled End 0.35 0.5 0.0732498224366533 0.426296207882289 -0.0825309806843494 0.0158108288973248 -0.00103586921012557 0.0000265873062363919
10 20% Embedded, Mitered End 1.5H:1V 0.9 0.5 0.075018832861494 0.404532870578638 -0.0959305677963978 0.0172402567402576 -0.00121896053512953 0.0000338251697138414
11 40% Embedded, Mitered End 1.5H:1V 0.9 0.5 0.086819906748455 0.362177446931189 -0.048309284166457 0.00870598247307798 -0.000359506993503941 2.89144278309283E-06
12 50% Embedded, Mitered End 1.5H:1V 0.9 0.5 0.0344461003984492 0.574817400258578 -0.204079127155295 0.0492721656480291 -0.00436372397619383 0.000144794982321005


  • 1-12: NCHRP 15-24 report

Table 3. Polynomial Coefficients – Box

HY-8 Equation Inlet Configuration KE SR A BS C DIP EE F
1 Square Edge (90 degree) Headwall, Square Edge (90 & 15 degree flare) Wingwall 0.5 0.5 0.122117 0.505435 -0.10856 0.0207809 -0.00136757 0.00003456
2 1.5:1 Bevel (90 degree) Headwall, 1.5:1 Bevel (19-34 degree flare) Wingwall 0.2 0.5 0.1067588 0.4551575 -0.08128951 0.01215577 -0.00067794 0.0000148
3 1:1 Bevel Headwall 0.2 0.5 0.1666086 0.3989353 -0.06403921 0.01120135 -0.0006449 0.000014566
4 Square Edge (30-75 degree flare) Wingwall 0.4 0.5 0.0724927 0.507087 -0.117474 0.0221702 -0.00148958 0.000038
5 Square Edge (0 degree flare) Wingwall 0.7 0.5 0.144133 0.461363 -0.0921507 0.0200028 -0.00136449 0.0000358
6 1:1 Bevel (45 degree flare) Wingwall 0.2 0.5 0.0995633 0.4412465 -0.07434981 0.01273183 -0.0007588 0.00001774


  • 1-6: Hydraulic Computer Program (HY) 6, FHWA, 1969, subroutine BEQUA
  • 1,4,5: Hydraulic Computer Program (HY) 3, FHWA, 1969, page 16
  • 1,3,4,6: Calculator Design Series (CDS) 3 for TI-59, FHWA, 1980, page 16

Table 4. Polynomial Coefficients – Ellipse

HY-8 Equation PIPE Inlet Configuration KE SR A BS C DIP EE F
27 CSPE headwall 0.5 0.5 0.01267 0.79435 -0.2944 0.07114 -0.00612 0.00015
28 CSPE mitered 0.7 -0.7 -0.14029 1.437 -0.92636 0.32502 -0.04865 0.0027
29 CSPE bevel 0.3 0.5 -0.00321 0.92178 -0.43903 0.12551 -0.01553 0.00073
30 CSPE thin 0.9 0.5 0.0851 0.70623 -0.18025 0.01963 0.00402 -0.00052
31 RCPE square 0.5 0.5 0.13432 0.55951 -0.1578 0.03967 -0.0034 0.00011
32 RCPE grv. hdwl 0.2 0.5 0.15067 0.50311 -0.12068 0.02566 -0.00189 0.00005
33 RCPE grv. proj 0.2 0.5 -0.03817 0.84684 -0.32139 0.0755 -0.00729 0.00027


  • 27-30: Calculator Design Series (CDS) 4 for TI-59, FHWA, 1982, page 20
  • 31-33: Calculator Design Series (CDS) 4 for TI-59, FHWA, 1982, page 22

Table 5. Polynomial Coefficients – Pipe Arch

HY-8 Equation PIPE Inlet Configuration KE SR A BS C DIP EE F
12 CSPA proj. 0.9 0.5 0.08905 0.71255 -0.27092 0.07925 -0.00798 0.00029
13 CSPA proj. 0.9 0.5 0.12263 0.4825 -0.00002 -0.04287 0.01454 -0.00117
14 CSPA proj. 0.9 0.5 0.14168 0.49323 -0.03235 -0.02098 0.00989 -0.00086
15 CSPA proj. 0.9 0.5 0.09219 0.65732 -0.19423 0.04476 -0.00176 -0.00012
16 CSPA mitered 0.7 -0.7 0.0833 0.79514 -0.43408 0.16377 -0.02491 0.00141
17 CSPA mitered 0.7 -0.7 0.1062 0.7037 -0.3531 0.1374 -0.02076 0.00117
18 CSPA mitered 0.7 -0.7 0.23645 0.37198 -0.0401 0.03058 -0.00576 0.00045
19 CSPA mitered 0.7 -0.7 0.10212 0.72503 -0.34558 0.12454 -0.01676 0.00081
20 CSPA headwall 0.5 0.5 0.11128 0.61058 -0.19494 0.05129 -0.00481 0.00017
21 CSPA headwall 0.5 0.5 0.12346 0.50432 -0.13261 0.0402 -0.00448 0.00021
22 CSPA headwall 0.5 0.5 0.09728 0.57515 -0.15977 0.04223 -0.00374 0.00012
23 CSPA headwall 0.5 0.5 0.09455 0.61669 -0.22431 0.07407 -0.01002 0.00054
24 RCPA headwall 0.5 0.5 0.16884 0.38783 -0.03679 0.01173 -0.00066 0.00002
25 RCPA grv. hdwl 0.2 0.5 0.1301 0.43477 -0.07911 0.01764 -0.00114 0.00002
26 RCPA grv. proj 0.2 0.5 0.09618 0.52593 -0.13504 0.03394 -0.00325 0.00013


  • 12-23: Calculator Design Series (CDS) 4 for TI-59, FHWA, 1982, page 17
  • 24-26: Calculator Design Series (CDS) 4 for TI-59, FHWA, 1982, page 24
  • 12,16,20: Hydraulic Computer Program (HY) 2, FHWA, 1969, page 17

Table 6. Polynomial Coefficients – Concrete Open-Bottom Arch

Span:Rise Ratio Wingwall Angle (Inlet Configuration) KE SR A BS C DIP EE F Diagram/Notes
2:1 0 Degrees (Mitered to Conform to Slope) 0.7 0.0 0.0389106557 0.6044131889 -0.1966160961 0.0425827445 -0.0035136880 0.0001097816 0DegreeWingwallConspanCulvertDiagram.png 2:1 Coefficients are used if the span:rise ratio is less than or equal to 3:1.
2:1 45 Degrees (45-degree Wingwall) 0.5 0.0 0.0580199163 0.5826504262 -0.1654982156 0.0337114383 -0.0026437555 0.0000796275 45DegreeWingwallConspanCulvertDiagram.png 2:1 Coefficients are used if the span:rise ratio is less than or equal to 3:1.
2:1 90 Degrees (Square Edge with Headwall) 0.5 0.0 0.0747688320 0.5517030198 -0.1403253664 0.0281511418 -0.0021405250 0.0000632552 90DegreeWingwallConspanCulvertDiagram.png 2:1 Coefficients are used if the span:rise ratio is less than or equal to 3:1.
4:1 0 Degrees (Mitered to Conform to Slope) 0.7 0.0 0.0557401882 0.4998819105 -0.1249164198 0.0219465031 -0.0015177347 0.0000404218 0DegreeWingwallConspanCulvertDiagram.png 4:1 coefficients are used if the span:rise ratio is greater than 3:1
4:1 45 Degrees (45-degree Wingwall) 0.5 0.0 0.0465032346 0.5446293346 -0.1571341119 0.0312822438 -0.0024007467 0.0000704011 45DegreeWingwallConspanCulvertDiagram.png 4:1 coefficients are used if the span:rise ratio is greater than 3:1
4:1 90 Degrees (Square Edge with Headwall) 0.5 0.0 0.0401619369 0.5774418238 -0.1693724912 0.0328323405 -0.0024131276 0.0000668323 90DegreeWingwallConspanCulvertDiagram.png 4:1 coefficients are used if the span:rise ratio is greater than 3:1

References for Concrete Open-bottom Arch polynomial coefficients:

  • Thiele, Elizabeth A. Culvert Hydraulics: Comparison of Current Computer Models. (pp. 121-126), Brigham Young University Master’s Thesis (2007).
  • Chase, Don. Hydraulic Characteristics of CON/SPAN Bridge Systems. Submitted Study and Report (1999)

Table 7. Polynomial Coefficients – South Dakota Concrete Box

Description KE SR A BS C DIP EE F Diagram/Notes
Sketch 1: 30 degree-flared wingwalls; top edge beveled at 45 degrees 0.5 0.5 0.0176998563 0.5354484847 -0.1197176702 0.0175902318 -0.0005722076 -0.0000080574 HY8SouthDakotaSketch1.png
Sketch 2: 30 degree-flared wingwalls; top edge beveled at 45 degrees; 2, 3, and 4 multiple barrels 0.5 0.5 0.0506647261 0.5535393634 -0.1599374238 0.0339859269 -0.0027470036 0.0000851484 HY8SouthDakotaSketch2.png
Sketch 3: 30 degree-flared wingwalls; top edge beveled at 45 degrees; 2:1 to 4:1 span-to-rise ratio 0.5 0.5 0.0518005829 0.5892384653 -0.1901266252 0.0412149379 -0.0034312198 0.0001083949 HY8SouthDakotaSketch3.png
Sketch 4: 30 degree-flared wingwalls; top edge beveled at 45 degrees; 15 degrees skewed headwall with multiple barrels 0.5 0.5 0.2212801152 0.6022032341 -0.1672369732 0.0313391792 -0.0024440549 0.0000743575 HY8SouthDakotaSketch4.png
Sketch 5: 30 degree-flared wingwalls; top edge beveled at 45 degrees; 30 degrees to 45 degrees skewed headwall with multiple barrels 0.5 0.5 0.2431604850 0.5407556631 -0.1267568901 0.0223638322 -0.0016523399 0.0000490932 HY8SouthDakotaSketch5.png
Sketches 6 & 7: 0 degree-flared wingwalls (extended sides); square-edged at crown and 0 degree-flared wingwalls (extended sides); top edge beveled at 45 degrees; 0- and 6-inch corner fillets 0.5 0.5 0.0493946080 0.7138391179 -0.2354755894 0.0473247331 -0.0036154348 0.0001033337 HY8SouthDakotaSketch6.png HY8SouthDakotaSketch7.png
Sketches 8 & 9: 0 degree-flared wingwalls (extended sides); top edge beveled at 45 degrees; 2, 3, and 4 multiple barrels and 0 degree-flared wingwalls (extended sides); top edge beveled at 45 degrees; 2:1 to 4:1 span-to-rise ratio 0.5 0.5 0.1013668008 0.6600937637 -0.2133066786 0.0437022641 -0.0035224589 0.0001078198 HY8SouthDakotaSketch8.png HY8SouthDakotaSketch9.png
Sketches 10 & 11: 0 degree-flared wingwalls (extended sides); crown rounded at 8-inch radius; 0- and 6-inch corner fillets and 0 degree-flared wingwalls (extended sides); crown rounded at 8-inch radius; 12-inch corner fillets 0.5 0.5 0.0745605288 0.6533033536 -0.1899798824 0.0350021004 -0.0024571627 0.0000642284 HY8SouthDakotaSketch10.png HY8SouthDakotaSketch11.png
Sketch 12: 0 degree-flared wingwalls (extended sides); crown rounded at 8-inch radius; 12-inch corner fillets; 2, 3, and 4 multiple barrels 0.5 0.5 0.1321993533 0.5024365440 -0.1073286526 0.0183092064 -0.0013702887 0.0000423592 HY8SouthDakotaSketch12.png
Sketch 13: 0 degree-flared wingwalls (extended sides); crown rounded at 8-inch radius; 12-inch corner fillets; 2:1 to 4:1 span-to-rise ratio. 0.5 0.5 0.1212726739 0.6497418331 -0.1859782730 0.0336300433 -0.0024121680 0.0000655665 HY8SouthDakotaSketch13.png

References for South Dakota Concrete Box polynomial coefficients:

Table 8. User Defined, Open Bottom Arch, Low-Profile Arch, High-Profile Arch, and Metal Box HW/D Values.

Q/A*D^.5 = 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
HY-8 Interpolation Coefficients Inlet Configuration KE SR A(1) A(2) A(3) A(4) A(5) A(6) A(7) A(8) A(9) A(10)
1 Thin Edge Projecting 0.9 0.5 0.31 0.48 0.81 1.11 1.42 1.84 2.39 3.03 3.71 4.26
2 Mitered to Conform to Slope 0.7 -0.7 0.34 0.49 0.77 1.04 1.45 1.91 2.46 3.06 3.69 4.34
3 Square Edge with Headwall 0.5 0.5 0.31 0.46 0.73 0.96 1.26 1.59 2.01 2.51 3.08 3.64
4 Beveled Edge 0.2 0.5 0.31 0.44 0.69 0.89 1.16 1.49 1.81 2.23 2.68 3.18

Reference for User-defined interpolation coefficients: FHWA HDS-5, Appendix D, Chart 52B

HEC-14 Hydraulic Design of Energy Dissipators for Culverts and Channels

Author(s): Philip L. Thompson and Roger T. Kilgore
Publisher: FHWA
Year: 2006
Links: PDF
Subjects: energy dissipator, culvert, channel, erosion, outlet velocity, hydraulic jump, internal dissipator, stilling basin, impact basin, riprap basin, riprap apron, drop structure, stilling well
HEC-14 3rd edition cover

The purpose of this circular is to provide design information for analyzing and mitigating energy dissipation problems at culvert outlets and in open channels. The first three chapters provide general information on the overall design process (Chapter 1), erosion hazards (Chapter 2), and culvert outlet velocity and velocity modification (Chapter 3). These provide a background and framework for anticipating dissipation problems. In addition to describing the overall design process, Chapter 1 provides design examples to compare selected energy dissipators. The next three chapters provide assessment tools for considering flow transitions (Chapter 4), scour (Chapter 5), and hydraulic jumps (Chapter 6).

For situations where the tools in the first six chapters are insufficient to fully mitigate a dissipation problem, the remaining chapters address the design of six types of constructed energy dissipators. Although any classification system for dissipators is limited, this circular uses the following breakdown: internal (integrated) dissipators (Chapter 7), stilling basins (Chapter 8), streambed level dissipators (Chapter 9), riprap basins and aprons (Chapter 10), drop structures (Chapter 11), and stilling wells (Chapter 12).

Much of the information presented has been taken from the literature and adapted, where necessary, to fit highway needs. Research results from the Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center and other facilities have also been incorporated. A survey of state practices and experience was also conducted to identify needs for this circular.

HDS-5 Design of Highway Culverts, 3rd Ed

Author(s): Schall JD, Thompson PL, Zerges SM, Kilgore RT
Publisher: FHWA
Year: 2012
Links: PDF, HTML (1985 edition)
Subjects: Culverts
HDS-5 cover

Hydraulic Design Series Number 5 (HDS 5) originally merged culvert design information contained in Hydraulic Engineering Circulars (HEC) 5, 10, and 13 with other related hydrologic, storage routing and special culvert design information. This third edition is the first major rewrite of HDS 5 since 1985, updating all previous information and adding new information on software solutions, aquatic organism passage, culvert assessment, and culvert repair and rehabilitation.

The result is a comprehensive culvert design publication. The appendices of the publication contain the equations and methodology used in developing the design charts (nomographs) and software programs, information on hydraulic resistance of culverts, the commonly used design charts, and Design Guidelines (DG) illustrating various culvert design calculation procedures. The number of design charts provided has been reduced recognizing the increased use of software solutions; however, the full set of culvert design charts will continue to be available in the archived second edition of HDS 5.

HEC-10 Capacity Charts For The Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts

Author(s): LA Herr
Publisher: FHWA
Year: 1972
Links: PDF
Subjects: Culverts

This circular contains a series of hydraulic capacity charts which permit the direct selection of a culvert size for a particular site without making detailed computations.

The charts in this circular do not replace the nomographs of Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 5 (HEC No. 5). The procedures given in the two circulars supplement each other by providing a solution for most designs likely to be encountered. Both circulars give identical answers in certain ranges of hydraulic operation, but the nomographs of HEC No. 5 must be used for the higher headwater depths and in cases of submerged outlets. This circular discusses the requirements and limitations for the use of the capacity charts and the instructions tell when HEC No. 5 must be used.

The designer, after becoming familiar with the capacity charts, will discover that these direct-reading charts have advantages over the trial and error procedure used in HEC No. 5. For instance, the capacity of the various types and sizes of culverts in common use can be compared rapidly and the charts provide a more accurate solution for low headwater depths which is the main limitation in the use of HEC No. 5. Sometimes the chart answer must be modified if a special culvert is used or an unusual site condition is encountered, but for the majority of culvert problems the capacity charts are adequate for the selection of a culvert size.

A list of the culvert capacity charts is provided for easy reference. All symbols, notations, and descriptive terms used are the same as in HEC No. 5 and the appendix contains a discussion of the hydraulic computation methods used in compiling the culvert capacity charts.

In addition to the capacity charts and instructions for their use, this circular includes a brief discussion of other design considerations to emphasize that culvert capacity is only one of the many problems confronting the engineer in the design of a culvert.

(See also HEC-13. Superseded by HDS-5.)

HEC-13 Hydraulic Design of Improved Inlets for Culverts

Author(s): L.J. Harrison, J.L. Morris, J.M. Normann, F.L. Johnson
Publisher: FHWA
Year: 1972
Links: PDF
Subjects: Culverts

This manual provides hydraulic design methods for circular and rectangular culverts with improved inlets. Improved inlets are bevels, side-tapers, and slope-tapers which are modifications to the culvert entrance geometry . These improvements can greatly increase the performance of a culvert which is operating in inlet control. Design charts, tables and computation sheets are provided in the manual.

(Now superseded by HDS-5.)

Concrete Pipe Design Manual

Author(s): ACPA
Publisher: American Concrete Pipe Association
Year: 2011
Links: PDF
Subjects: Culverts, Pipes, RCP
cp-manual cover

This manual is a compilation of data on concrete pipe, and it was planned to provide all design information needed by the engineer when he/she begins to consider the type and shape of pipe to be used. All equations used in developing the figures and tables are shown along with limited supporting theory. A condensed bibliography of literature references is included to assist the engineer who wishes to further study the development of these equations.

Chapters have been arranged so the descriptive information can be easily followed into the tables and figures containing data which enable the engineer to select the required type and size concrete pipe without the lengthy computations previously required. All of these design aids are presently published in engineering textbooks or represent the computer analysis of involved equations. Supplemental data and information are included to assist in completing this important phase of the project, and illustrative example problems are presented in Chapters 2 through 4. A review of these examples will indicate the relative ease with which this manual can be used.

The revised Chapter 4 on Loads and Supporting Strengths incorporates the Standard Installations for concrete pipe bedding and design. The Standard Installations are compatible with today’s methods of installation and incorporate the latest research on concrete pipe. In 1996 the B, C, and D beddings, researched by Anson Marston and Merlin Spangler, were replaced in the AASHTO Bridge Specifications by the Standard Installations. A description of the B, C, and D beddings along with the appropriate design procedures are included in Appendix B of this manual to facilitate designs still using these beddings.

Culvert Inlet Control