HDS-5 Design of Highway Culverts, 3rd Ed

Author(s): Schall JD, Thompson PL, Zerges SM, Kilgore RT Publisher: FHWA Year: 2012 Links: PDF, HTML (1985 edition) Subjects: Culverts Hydraulic Design Series Number 5 (HDS 5) originally merged culvert design information contained in Hydraulic Engineering Circulars (HEC) 5, 10, and 13 with other related hydrologic, storage routing and special culvert design information. This third […]

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HEC-10 Capacity Charts For The Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts

Author(s): LA Herr Publisher: FHWA Year: 1972 Links: PDF Subjects: Culverts This circular contains a series of hydraulic capacity charts which permit the direct selection of a culvert size for a particular site without making detailed computations. The charts in this circular do not replace the nomographs of Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 5 (HEC No. […]

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HEC-13 Hydraulic Design of Improved Inlets for Culverts

Author(s): L.J. Harrison, J.L. Morris, J.M. Normann, F.L. Johnson Publisher: FHWA Year: 1972 Links: PDF Subjects: Culverts This manual provides hydraulic design methods for circular and rectangular culverts with improved inlets. Improved inlets are bevels, side-tapers, and slope-tapers which are modifications to the culvert entrance geometry . These improvements can greatly increase the performance of […]

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HEC-15 Design of Roadside Channels, 3rd Ed

Author(s): Kilgore RT, Cotton GK Publisher: FHWA Year: 2005 Links: PDF Subjects: channel lining, channel stabilization, tractive force, resistance, permissible shear stress, vegetation, riprap, manufactured linings, RECP, gabions Flexible linings provide a means of stabilizing roadside channels. Flexible linings are able to conform to changes in channel shape while maintaining overall lining integrity. Long-term flexible […]

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HEC-22 Urban Drainage Design Manual, 3rd Ed

Author(s): S.A. Brown, J.D. Schall, J.L. Morris, C.L. Doherty, S.M. Stein, J.C. Warner  Publisher: FHWA  Year: 2009  Links: PDF  Subjects: Storm Drains, Inlets, Storm Water Management, Water Quality, Best Management Practices, Pumps, Drainage Design This circular provides a comprehensive and practical guide for the design of storm drainage systems associated with transportation facilities. Design guidance […]

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Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement

Author(s): FHWA Publisher: FHWA Year: 2015 Links: PDF Subjects: Permeable pavement This TechBrief presents an overview of permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP) and its use. General information is provided on PICP composition with a summary of benefits, limitations, and characteristics. Important considerations such as hydrological design, structural design, construction, and maintenance are also provided.  4,675 total […]

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FP-14 Federal Standard Specifications

Author(s): FHWA Publisher: FHWA Year: 2014 Link: PDF Subjects: Bio-retention, Green The Standard Specifications for the Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects (FP) is issued primarily for constructing roads and bridges on Federal Highway projects under the direct administration of the Federal Highway Administration. It is also used by the U. S. […]

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El Cerrito Green Streets Project

Author(s): San Francisco Estuary Partnership Publisher: San Francisco Estuary Partnership Year: 2012 Link: PDF Subjects: Bio-retention, Green The El Cerrito Green Streets Pilot Project consisted of installing a series of stormwater treatment rain garden cells at two locations along San Pablo Avenue in the City of El Cerrito. The project also included water quality monitoring, […]

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Concrete Pipe Installation Manual

Author(s): ACPA Publisher: American Concrete Pipe Association Year: 2018 Link PDF Subjects: Construction, Culverts, Pipes, RCP This manual presents a guide for the proper installation of concrete pipe. For many years, the American Concrete Pipe Association has conducted comprehensive research and analysis of the factors which affect the field performance of concrete pipe. The knowledge […]

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Slow Sand Filtration

Author(s): L Huisman, WE Wood Publisher: WHO Year: 1974 Links: PDF Subjects: Filtration, Water supply The object of this volume is to discuss the various aspects of one particular form of water treatment-the “ biological filtration ” or “ slow sand filtration” process. This system of water purification has been in continuous use since the […]

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